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MK1: Step-By-Step Unlocking / Install guide (with pictures)

Recommended Posts <---this should be the address of jasager web interface if you followed my post.

what is the IP address of your NIC connected to the fon?

can you ping

what is the output of "route print" (assuming you're running windows)

I was setting my NIC to that was the only way I could SSH into it. I've tried and it didn't work.

Here's the output from ping and route print.


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I was setting my NIC to that was the only way I could SSH into it. I've tried and it didn't work.

Here's the output from ping and route print.


ssh into the fon and run this command: ps aux |grep httpd what do you get? similar to this:

root@OpenWrt:~# ps aux |grep httpd
  853 root      1956 S    /usr/sbin/httpd -p 80 -h /www -r OpenWrt
  864 root      1960 S    httpd -p 1471 -h /karma/www -r karma -c /karma/etc/ht

if you don't get any output try this:

root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/httpd start

then try hitting the web interface.

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I got this and that's it
728  root      1956 S        /user/sbin/httpd -p 80 -h /www -r Openwrt

I tried the command anyways, (Didn't think it would) and it says "Address already in use"

it looks like Jasager web interfaces isn't running. try running /etc/init.d/httpd stop (this stops the web server running on port 80) and then /etc/init.d/jasager start (this starts Jasager web server running on 1471)

ps. what that error "Address already in use" is telling you, is that there is an http server already running on port 80.

pps. if /etc/init.d/jasager start works for you, then enable jasager to run on boot: /etc/init.d/jasager enable now reboot the fon.

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I'm getting a
/etc/init.d/jasager: line19: syntax error:EOF in backqoute substitution


Sounds like there is an issue with start up script. this is the one i have.

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2008 dninja@gmail.com

start() {
        include /lib/network
        [ -d /karma/www -a -f /karma/etc/httpd.conf ] &amp;&amp; httpd -p 1471 -h /karma/www -r karma -c /karma/etc/ht
        iptables -I FORWARD -i ath0 -o br-lan -j ACCEPT

        logread -f | awk '{if ($0 ~ /(KARMA: |DHCPACK|DHCPDISCOVER|DHCPOFFER|DHCPREQUEST)/) {sub (/ \(.*\).*:
        tail -f /tmp/status.log | /karma/bin/logwatch &amp;
        iwpriv ath0 karma 1

stop() {
        killall httpd

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Ha, wow. I got it. Here was my problem.

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2008 dninja@gmail.com

start() {
        include /lib/network
        [ -d /karma/www -a -f /karma/etc/httpd.conf ] &amp;&amp; httpd -p 1471 -h /karma/www -r karma -c /karma/etc/ht
        iptables -I FORWARD -i ath0 -o br-lan -j ACCEPT

        logread -f | awk '{if ($0 ~ /(KARMA: |DHCPACK|DHCPDISCOVER|DHCPOFFER|DHCPREQUEST)/) {sub (/ \(.*\).*:
        tail -f /tmp/status.log | /karma/bin/logwatch &amp; iwpriv ath0 karma 1 &lt;------- Same line -----------

stop() {
        killall httpd

Your tut says "Add iwpriv ath0 karma 1 to the last line of the start() function in" So I added it to the last line. :P Maybe re word it or add a screen shot of what it should look like so other people don't have this problem.

Well thanks for sticking with me and helping. :D

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just bought a replacement Fon from eBay and guess what?!?! It came with DD-WRT installed on it! Presumably I can just go ahead and flash with OpenWRT and follow the instructions?

On a related note, I suspect the Jasager is the way forward in pen testing in the UK... as it seems most networks are WPA these days and these that arent have very little traffic.

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Sussed it! Never rush things! I had put the wrong clips in on a 5V FTDI. Took some time to create a 3.3V FTDI cable with some croc clips (from good old Maplins and RS Components) and managed to figure out what was going on. Reflashed with OpenWRT and hey-presto! The fon is back! :D Should mention its probably worth keeping hold of an RS232 cable as they are dead handy. Also, the timing does seem very important with the Fon. Waiting for the +, the redboot etc. Never appreciated that.

I now have 2 Fons. Could sell one but they dont half seem handy! :D Any thoughts? I was thinking Wifi remote control or something since it has an RS232 output.... hmmm

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  • 1 month later...
No, you can install Jasager on Fon, Fon+ and Fon2 but not Fon2n

At first:Sorry; Im a N00b...

Does it work also with the Fon2.0g???

Or is the version "g" not important?

Do I have to downgrade the Firmware before installing the jasager???

Thx a lot

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Question on the setup. Digininja has a setup at http://www.digininja.org/jasager/installation.php and there is this one. The question is which one is the newer way to do the install? Just questioning it because I see this was posted in 2008.

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umm im about to buy this but the version II and if i buy it from the hak5 store dose it come installed with every thing and ready to use right out of the package. and if so what are the wares need to get this going on Linux? p.s. Linux is awesome. p.p.s. im sorry im really tired so sorry for spelling errors or not making sense.

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