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How do you create a MRI Boot CD? Like Geek Squads MRI CD?


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How do you create a MRI Boot CD? Like Geek Squads MRI CD?

So you can run anti virus + antispyware tools on it and have it download updates. Clean temporary files etc.

I think it uses some version of boot PE but cannot be sure.

depending on the OS you want, BartPE for Windows XP, UBCD4WIN, VistaPE for bootable Vista, and then just any live linux distro with scannign software would do the same thing, but not sure what linux distros have as far as virus scanenrs, etc.

I have an UBCD4WIN on both cd media and a USB thumbdrive version that dual boots UBCD4WIN + Backtrack 3.

Check out UBCD4WIN if you want a lot of tools for fixing windows machines: http://www.ubcd4win.com/

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