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looking for a referral application


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I have a website and I would like to know what sites are sending traffic to it. I can edit the links that these sites send the traffic to and I would like to send it to a referral link so i can track how many come through it. I looked a little on Google but only found counters. Is there an application I can run by my website that I can send the traffic to and then it forward to the page I want them to view?

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I have a website and I would like to know what sites are sending traffic to it. I can edit the links that these sites send the traffic to and I would like to send it to a referral link so i can track how many come through it. I looked a little on Google but only found counters. Is there an application I can run by my website that I can send the traffic to and then it forward to the page I want them to view?

Apache should already be logging referral URLs. Do you have access to the httpd-access.log file?

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your craphost prob has something like stats page ( awwstats or webalizer etc ... ) if you don't have root then you have to get the httpd-access.log and make your own. (just run webalizer localy on a windows box with your log file )

as for some kind of refer counter you would have to make your own script for that

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Referral's can also be blocked via the browser or 3rd party programs too, so you may gete a lot with empty referral entries. If you have PHP on your server, you can write a script to block users who have empty referrer data, and display a message that they must enable it to view your site, but you would lose a lot of visitors that way. There are tons of scripts out there that can help track the data for you and even create the logs/reports based on what you want, but just a simple "$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']" with the users "$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']" written out to a log will give you basic info on your visitors and where they cam from.

Again, this can be blocked, and even spoofed, so it's never 100% reliable.

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