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Ever wanted to hunt a baboon?


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Personally, this seems just wrong. But then again I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I wouldn't have a problem with hunting (not that I've done it) deer, birds or rabbits for example.

meh, yourselves?

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Personally, this seems just wrong. But then again I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I wouldn't have a problem with hunting (not that I've done it) deer, birds or rabbits for example.

meh, yourselves?

I don't really like recreational hunting in general, but there seems to me to be something especially distasteful about hunting K-selected animals like primates. I mean with wild rabbits they produce large numbers of offspring and over 90% of them die before reaching a year in age anyway but a baboon spends a lot of energy rearing its young and has a natural life of 30 years so it seems quite different to kill one of those. I have a similar problem with hunting bears because they are not prey animals to anything other than humans so are not well adapted to survive hunting such as by producing large numbers of young which mature quickly like a lot of prey animals do.

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I always had the approach that if you are going to eat it, and use it's reamains for some meaningfull purpose, like survival, clothing, tools(Bones) etc, then it's natural to hunt, but for sport and something to hang on your wall, I am not such a big fan of that. Self preservation takes all priority though, so if I had to do it to survive, be it food or life threatening, then I'd shoot anything that was in my way.

While it might be cool to see an 8 foot tall bear stuffed in a museum for science and presevation of some sort, how it got there is another story and if it wasn't in self defense or of natural causes, then let the animal be(baboons included). Just my opinion though.

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