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need laptop help


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i need help, im getting a laptop in a week or so and i was wanting everyone's opinion on what i need to make it a hacker laptop, like what software, programs, other hardware, etc. any help would be kool. here's the link to the laptop http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...Sku=G153-ML6720

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  • 2 weeks later...

a HACKERS laptop???well since the other guys already pointed out outer features i think id point out inner if u know wat i mean lol (SOFTWARES etc) ;) id say u gota put linux on there or some unix distro (you not a hacker if u dont use linux/unix distro) then u need ur programs, so head down to http://sectools.org/ and look around for what tools you think would help you in ur path to hackdom hehehe :D

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a HACKERS laptop???

My thoughts exactly.

id say u gota put linux on there or some unix distro (you not a hacker if u dont use linux/unix distro)

Alright, I'll bite: bullshit.

then u need ur programs, so head down to http://sectools.org/ and look around for what tools you think would help you in ur path to hackdom hehehe :D

Use whatever you damn well need to use, stocking up on security based programs that mean nothing and are useless to you is not going to help, it's just going to waste space, bandwidth and time. Install whatever you use in day to day life and stop seeking the title of "hacker", you're going the wrong way about it.

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My thoughts exactly.

Alright, I'll bite: bullshit.

Use whatever you damn well need to use, stocking up on security based programs that mean nothing and are useless to you is not going to help, it's just going to waste space, bandwidth and time. Install whatever you use in day to day life and stop seeking the title of "hacker", you're going the wrong way about it.

never heard truer words of wisdom listen to him grasshopper :) L337ne55 is not measured by hardware and software

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok i have to agree with them and admit that i was wrong now that i changed my way of thought.... I cant call myself a hacker but i know this much, dont let people tell you what to do. Every hacker will tell you that they arent governed by so many rule because it holds you back from your full potential. I personaly would rather help someone find a problem and fix it for free but with out them telling me with what to do, then having them pay me but tell me what to do. A true hacker knows that an attitude like "oh i know it all" is just not on. A hacker is a person that would be willing to help you out, but dont be a noob and expect them to spoon feed you thats just not on. Dont call yourself a hacker just for them fame or the feeling of being SOMETHING. Be who you want to be, be passionate about what you do. Dont hack into systems for reasons that arent good because then you not a hacker you a cracker and i personly dont like crackers. Dont steal other peoples ideas and claim it was yours. Try to research and learn something yourself. I know i went totaly off topic but i just thought id change the way i answered you. As for the topic, use what you want use any os you comftable with because somewhere somehow you will find something you can do with it. Somewhere somehow you will find a program that allows you to do what you want. But aa word of advice dont be scared to explore other systems, the transition from the one to the other is totaly upto you and no one else, take your time.

Hope this helped ;)

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