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alrite , let me just sy this first , plese dont make fun of my spelling, i am severly disabled. i am doing the best i can.

whell this teatcher faild me, and it was his fault , so im mad and im seeking revenge...

whell i came up with this ida 2 git him fired im guna half 2 take his class agin next year and at the year in he has this progject, tihs class is freshman (highschool) history. the requirements are. you msut pic a contry and . right a 30 page paper, 12 font singal space .5 intch margan, a 30 text page powerpoint with 50 pictures and 10 webpage bibliogrphy and make a posterbord that sums it up , and prezint the powerpoint and the posterbords, the last month of school so i am going to make a program where win i stick my pendrive in , this thing takes over the computer. and a flash hapens 2 the screen , and thin a non windowd meatspin popsup and you cant close it . without knowing the proses name threw the taskmaneger , it disables the task manager. and it disables the mouse and keybord and the smartbord in our classrom .but i dont rilly fell like giting in troble. i have this part dn this far .

but ther ar some errers like , it only works whin its the only thing on the pendrive and , i nead autorun files 2 do it otherwize id git notced. and i want it 2 have a 30 minit dely form when it is removed till when it starts

i used flash, brainfuck,and scar(java that reconizes collers, and runs on the java script on the computer , and has silint mouse capabiltys and a scrin disabler opton) 2 do this part

and i was whondring how i can do the do therest, i have know knoladge , other than scar flash brainfuck . but my hat 4 this man is so grate i will lern whatever it takes 2 waste his life, like he wated a year of mine :lol:

you can contact me at , ooples@live.com or here

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alrite , let me just sy this first , plese dont make fun of my spelling, i am severly disabled. i am doing the best i can.

I'm not going to make fun of your spelling (as long as you don't make fun of mine ;)). Now lets see how I can help you...

whell this teatcher faild me, and it was his fault , so im mad and im seeking revenge...

You won't find any direct help here.

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alrite , let me just sy this first , plese dont make fun of my spelling, i am severly disabled. i am doing the best i can.

No problem.

whell this teatcher faild me, and it was his fault , so im mad and im seeking revenge...


We're done.

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ok... you say you are disabled... that is fine. you should be considered a special education student. at least in Colorado and I'm pretty sure its everywhere else, you can get an Individual Education Plan from your special education teacher.

This plan tells teachers what your limits are, and the teachers with your special ed teacher excuse you from doing hard work like that.

does this make sense?

if you are not in special ed, you should be. This is probably your parents fault if this is the situation, so there is no need to get revenge on the teacher that failed you.

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win i have all my papers form the year and the loewst grade is an 80, and the avrig of them with all the %s is a 93 but , he frogot 2 rite them down and whin i shoded them 2 him, the prinable , the superatendent, he sed thay wer foreged im a litle pissed whin he is the only 1 theatching that class, i half 2 take his agin

i was kicked out of my city school distritrict, be4 thay found out anarhilisim is a rill disabilty, its where, you donot submit 2 athority, whin you dont respet them so i kinda fucked up some kid who ,i was rill small in 4th grade ,and this fat kid was makeing fun of me , cus i was so fucked up , so i jumped on him and started clawwing his face, sint him 2 the hospital , so the parints swed the school distrit , got a restraining order on me and , whell now i go 2 a magnat school , wher the only speical ed mods thay give me is the right 2 stand up and walk around in class ,and the teatcher cant take of for mispedl words, and that i had 2 tipe up my ancsers and stuf , ther wer no cheks and ballences i got 11 diaplin referals for walking around , so i gess its my fault

and we cant move out of the city , becus my dad cant move his bisnes

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You have a lot more choice then you think,

and that's not a real disorder it's crap that your parents should have taught you, and it's almost never the teachers fault when a student fails.

And you jumped on someone and clawed their face bad enough to send them to the ER?

You shouldn't even be in any school.

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i cant fizicly right, i half 2 tipe everything, thay dont efect some peapol , but whne ther as sever as mine , thay do ,

i live in a rule airia , wher ther is only1 magnat mittle school and hischool the teatcher

at the magnat school district, if the teatcher wants 2 give you a 0 he can even if u can prove that u did it

its pritty fucked up

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I'll say what I know others are thinking: I think you are using this disability of yours as a crutch.

I work with quite a few special education kids who have very similar issues and instead of wanting to be mean to their teachers, they work with their teachers. Also I know a lot of kids who are worse than what you claim to be, and they even do great in school.

Here's what I think happened... and from experience I know I am more than likely right:

You were put into a class you hate.

You did not do your work.

The teacher had to fail you for not doing your work.

You are blaming the teacher for failing you.

Since you have a disability, you are using that as an excuse.

YOU have to at least try.

That is all I have to say to YOU.

I'm sorry if you think I'm being mean, but the fact of the matter is that you and you alone is responsible for your own actions. Teachers can sometimes forget to put in grades, but they usually catch it LONG before final grades are due.

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do you know what anarkilism , is i just want 2 be tredted normal , i sued the schooldistrict, and the teatcher sed its all fraud, the gradebook sed incomplet on a test even thow i took a vido lecter in class that day and in the vido lecter he sed now put your nots away, time 4 a test , i have the test , it was a 93 for a grade if yor not guna help , dont bother

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, its a rill thing ,stop flaming 2 git yor poast count up , i take 128 miilagrams of concerta eatch morning at school i am prirty mutch a robot, he fald me , i have proof that its bull shit , the school distrit sed i had no stands 2 sew, becus its school distritct polcy that, if the teatcher wanst s give u a 11 on a test that u got every queston right on he can and viseversa

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, its a rill thing ,stop flaming 2 git yor poast count up , i take 128 miilagrams of concerta eatch morning at school i am prirty mutch a robot, he fald me , i have proof that its bull shit , the school distrit sed i had no stands 2 sew, becus its school distritct polcy that, if the teatcher wanst s give u a 11 on a test that u got every queston right on he can and viseversa

Stop acting like you're the only kid with problems, the only kid being filled with pills, the only kid ever to get diagnosed with something which means almost no-one on the planet listens to.

I couldn't give a shit whether you've got dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyspepsia, schizophrenia or megalomania, we're not going to help you and explaining to us how you got your bed sold, how you're being filled with pills every morning or how your teachers are trying to repress you (man, down with authority!!!!!!!) isn't going to change that. It's not. Get over it.

In fact, I'm not sure why I haven't done this before, but... locked. (Hands up who saw that one coming?)

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