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Okay, I need help.


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Okay so yesterday I was coming home from a movie when I noticed a kid on a laptop in oyr yard but away froma ll the windows. When I asked one of my neighbors, they said that the same kid is there every evening. Now this worries me because I Know for a fact he is within range of our WI-FI. We are the only house with any WI-FI for a few blocks. But I suspect it was our new neighbors that just moved in, it sorta looked like him when I pointed a flashlight out the window. But is there something I can do to prove that it was him or retaliate, I am worried he will do something to our computer. I already have a WEP password set-up, but I am paranoid, I want to be a ble to do something if he tries again.

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Upgrade your encryption to WPA. It's not foolproof by any means, but it's at least a bit more difficult to crack than WEP. Also keep an eye on how many machines are connected, perhaps watch your DHCP leases and scan for machine using something like nmap.

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Apply MAC address filtering and use static IP addresses. I'd also be inclined to use an unusual private address range and subnet mask (such as, rather than the commonly used MAC address filtering can be bypassed but it's another hurdle for him to get over.

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Also keep an eye on how many machines are connected, perhaps watch your DHCP leases and scan for machine using something like nmap.

Okay how do I do that, I did everything else that has been suggested.

And thank for the help everybody.

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Apply MAC address filtering and use static IP addresses. I'd also be inclined to use an unusual private address range and subnet mask (such as, rather than the commonly used MAC address filtering can be bypassed but it's another hurdle for him to get over.

MAC address filtering in an obstacle that is about an inch high. Changing the private address range does nothing unless you turn off DHCP. Even then, it's another obstacle that is an inch high. I suppose doing things like this follows the philosophy "do any thing you can to slow the bad guts down", but it's more likely to hinder your use then prevent unauthorised use. Good encryption is the way to go.

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MAC address filtering in an obstacle that is about an inch high.

Yes, I said it was a hurdle and I agree that it can be overcome easily.

Changing the private address range does nothing unless you turn off DHCP.

I said to use static IP addresses which implies disabling DHCP. Again, I appreciate that it can be circumvented.

I suppose doing things like this follows the philosophy "do any thing you can to slow the bad guts down", but it's more likely to hinder your use then prevent unauthorised use. Good encryption is the way to go.

Agreed. If there's anything that can be done to prevent intrusion, I'd say do it. For instance, I'd disable SSID broadcast and change the encryption password frequently too. I know very well that this means nothing to a determined intruder but these simple configurations (along with WPA2) will dissuade a casual "ordinary" Windows user.

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I keep my wifi on with an ssid of "Free Internet" I know they are not getting into my pc and I dont see any reason why I should protect Comcast from profit lose. I dont make online transactions tho.. so maybe it wont work for you.

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I keep my wifi on with an ssid of "Free Internet" I know they are not getting into my pc and I dont see any reason why I should protect Comcast from profit lose. I dont make online transactions tho.. so maybe it wont work for you.

The only problem with that is if some one downloads something illegal like child porn, it will look like it's you doing it, and will have to prove other wise.

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As well as the other suggestions WPA,MAC address filtering,change and then hide you SSID (as Tesco's says Every little helps :lol: ) etc check you are running the latest firmware on your router (incase there are any exploits against it) and change the router admin password

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Why not just go out there and ask him what he is doing? or lifehacker. com/software/wifi/turn-your-wifi-piggybackers-internet-upside-down-190441.php... either way its a little extreme to take a bat to some poor kids computer for trying to get on the internet.. especially if he just moved in and doesnt have internet atm.. maybe rethink what you are doing and encrypt your network a little better.. WPA w/ MAC address filtering and limit the ip range so that only the amount of computers you own will be able to connect to the intertubes, and if he manages to still connect then let him be, he is obviously alot better than yourself :\

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I've had more success with ettercap on a wireless connection than I have with airpwn :( If he's already associated with his router he could use ettercap with a simple filter and a single command. Just visit Irongeek's Fun with Ettercap Filters or if u wanna see the video click on the link at the top of the iron geek page.

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3 waze only 1 is rilly practical

1 u go in yor fron yard start a cazual conversaton kick him in the face step on his laptop and take a dooidiy in his mouth wall souting joo bin haxorized nubbz

2 brake the antina on yor router and run wierz

3 wpa and if he gits pass taht ther was one epesod i recall about deoffing

now lets play a litle game calld whatch 1 qill git u sent 2 jail what 1 will git brake yor router and whach 1 solves the problem with out u giting sewed or braking yor router

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