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why has the forum gone quiet lately?


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Hey everyone,

The biggest contributing factor to the lack of interesting topics primarily stems from us not doing shows.

However as the off-season is coming to an end, you should start seeing ALOT more interest in Hak5 than ever before. More on that to come at a later date.

Also as to us not being active on the forums, we're still in construction mode on the HakHouse.

I know we promised updates on the house's progress, and I'll try and get Shannon to take some pictures because my camera is dead, but things are moving along nicely. We should have carpet again soon, I'm almost done laying the ceramic tile in the laundry room and bathrooms downstairs, and we'll be ordering our kitchen cabinets soon.

Set design ideas will start to flow very shortly, as we do need to get a set built before we can have a show!

We've got a shitload of amazing stuff planned for this season, and really think you guys are going to like where we're headed with the show, so while things are a little quiet, there's a storm brewing, and it'll make landfall very shortly!


Host / Director of Business Development


matt aT hak5 dOt org

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i'd say it is because the show is on break? I used to irc and forum regularly but i haven't been around for like 4 months heh. i havent watched the shown for ages heh. just idled on the irc and read the forums. checked in for the sake of it today.

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eh im finding less interesting topics aswell and i spose if wess and darren and other cast members where more active alot more people would be active

I've seen the forums throughout the seasons. If you want to get technical, the forums thrived when Darren was the only person in the cast still making periodic posts. I can understand that people want to be able to interact with cast members, but if you look at many forums, they are simply up as an outlet for the community to express views, not a simple mult-itier interaction delivery system.

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