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For all thos wanting to hack their schools

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Hope this discourages any new people who come here with questions on how to hack their school networks.

Also, could someone edit the topic. Madd mispelling and misquote on my dyslexic ass. It should read

"For all those wanting to hack their schools, Go to jail for 38 years, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00"

true.......... murderers and paedo's get less than that

but WHY? are they more dangerous than murderers? I don't think so. <_<

What does such a judge think? "Oh yeah, they might kill a person through the pc because they "changed their grades" <_< "


They had multiple counts against them. I think someone who murders someone, depending on the circumstances, like say unintentional vehiclular manslaughter, they get off sooner, someone with multiple murders, get either life in prison or the put to death.

The thing here is, these kids broke several laws, when most of us just look at it like, oh, they haxord their school, "funny" or "no big deal". If you look at the real charges they were brought up on, then you see that most kids don't realize their are real consequesnces that go along with what they were doing. Ask them now if they thought what they were doing would have ruined them for the rest of their life and they probably would have said they never thought that far ahead or that they were really doing anything that severe.

I think the sentence is a bit stiff, and unrealistic, but if it deters anyone coming here with the idea that it's ok to hack their school, maybe it will help guide them to be a little more cautious and think twice before doing something that could ruin them before they even get out of high school. These kids will have a hard time getting a good job, and a college education after high school. If they get their sentence reduced enough that they still have a decent life afterwards, who will even trust them?


As much as I'd like to believe this would help, a common association with school hacking is "well, they just weren't smart enough to not get caught", or "it'll never happen to me". I don't think it'll stop most of them giving it a shot.

I was going to link to theregister's article on this before it was posted to make the very point that if you're stupid enough to try, this might happen, but then I realised that if all we've said so far hasn't helped then this is unlikely to either.

Still, no harm in wishful thinking.


Its the fact that its a network that all their friends use, it gives them bragging rights and its probably the first thing other than something they own their hacking. It feels like their doing something real. Its all for bragging rights, the problem is that bragging is one of the fastest ways to get caught.

  • 3 weeks later...

my school ive cahnge my drive space100 megs 2 116 megs(just 2 prove i cood), ther is a program on ally my schools computers and be4 u can axses a website it has 2 be aproved by and administrator,and ther is this class calld totorial , its like studdy hall but every1 has it at the same time and no asinded teatcher , so we sit in the hall and stuf , so some kids desided 2 make a club for forin langwiges , so then mor clubs started poping up like pe or sintech and then 1 ther wer undergrond clubs like the restling club , satin club gay and lesban club, computer club, and ther are 30 members of the club and 2 git in the club u hafl 2 pull off a thot impsable feet with the computers and mine was the 100 2 116 all i did was over clock it but we have a server and all of us have a 100 magabite pendrive in it that we dont have fizacl ackses 2 , but when we do it we the other 20 or so active mebers crait diversons so it dusnt git notes like for instance that block drive accelraton with halo , so we have a lan party (turn of the advatced text serveces so ther is no drive accelraton) and tahts how thay got cot ther gits 2 be a poin to whenever one of us logs on the adminstrator gos in 2 senincrnized and wahtches us , and the adminstrater was watching them

the only reson i think thay got in that mutch truble is taht thay know taht the kids 2day ar groing up lerning computers , and thay fill huge threts so tahy wanted 2 make a point dont fuck with this shit

if thay wanted beter grades and tahy put tahat mutch nergy in 2 it in the ferst palce thay wodnt have that problem

my school ive cahnge my drive space100 megs 2 116 megs(just 2 prove i cood), ther is a program on ally my schools computers and be4 u can axses a website it has 2 be aproved by and administrator,and ther is this class calld totorial , its like studdy hall but every1 has it at the same time and no asinded teatcher , so we sit in the hall and stuf , so some kids desided 2 make a club for forin langwiges , so then mor clubs started poping up like pe or sintech and then 1 ther wer undergrond clubs like the restling club , satin club gay and lesban club, computer club, and ther are 30 members of the club and 2 git in the club u hafl 2 pull off a thot impsable feet with the computers and mine was the 100 2 116 all i did was over clock it but we have a server and all of us have a 100 magabite pendrive in it that we dont have fizacl ackses 2 , but when we do it we the other 20 or so active mebers crait diversons so it dusnt git notes like for instance that block drive accelraton with halo , so we have a lan party (turn of the advatced text serveces so ther is no drive accelraton) and tahts how thay got cot ther gits 2 be a poin to whenever one of us logs on the adminstrator gos in 2 senincrnized and wahtches us , and the adminstrater was watching them

the only reson i think thay got in that mutch truble is taht thay know taht the kids 2day ar groing up lerning computers , and thay fill huge threts so tahy wanted 2 make a point dont fuck with this shit

if thay wanted beter grades and tahy put tahat mutch nergy in 2 it in the ferst palce thay wodnt have that problem


when you try and read it you're brain will shit bricks

I think that's the longest thing I've read that says nothing... care to throw in a thought next time?


when you try and read it you're brain will shit bricks

I think that's the longest thing I've read that says nothing... care to throw in a thought next time?

Lolzorz! Haha nice...


Here is what I can't understand about school hacking.

What's the point? To change grades? That won't happen. To get to websites that you shouldn't get to during school? For god sake, how long do you even use a computer at school? An hour? Want to be cool? Mod a game, don't hack school.

School Hacking died with phone phreaking. Most of us don't even have a land line, nor do we want one.

Just thought I'd post my two cents.


I personally think that "school hacking" is more an action to gain experience in a certain field, like: programming on a closed-down school pc, tunneling the firewall, disabling monitoring software, ... and by thus you need a "testing ground" with certain premises -> School.

It's like circumventing restrictions, just because there are some. I don't think that "school hacking" implies any (good/bad) usage of what you learned by your actions.

Of course there are those who want to change their grades and messing around with computers but they don't deserve to be called "hackers".

Maybe OT: Did you read Little Brother from Cory Doctorow?



I wouldnt be as surprised if this happened in the UK instead of the US. The worst part is that they are getting looser and looser with what "hacker" means.

  • 3 weeks later...
Tut tut.

If you do something like that, at least don't get caught!

(like me!)

I really hope you get fucked with an attitude like that.

Tut tut.

If you do something like that, at least don't get caught!

(like me!)

When you are given certain privileges on a network don’t take advantage of them. Albeit many schools network admins are not the most knowledgeable people, but they do not get paid enough to implement very tight security.

If you are using someone else’s network don’t get foolish. Think about how you would react if someone was on your lan doing stupid shit. The best place to hone your skills is at home, on your systems that you paid for. All you are doing is ruining your peer’s experience.

I don’t think it’s wrong to pentest, but when the system you are pentesting on is there for you to use for educational purposes then use it for that. You don’t learn IT security in high school, you’re there to learn the basics; math, english, science. You will have enough time to learn "leet haxor skillz" when, and if, you go to college. But until then hacking school networks is not only dumb and easy, it’s illegal.


this may just be opinion but i think that the reason their sentences were so steep was because computer crimes are more in the public eye than they used to be. in a phrase they are "whats hot right now" in the media. and therefore those who are more, whats the word..... incompetent, will blindly believe that its a horrible injustice or something. rape and murder regularly gets smaller sentences simply because they are so common lately that its become "old news" and therefore isn't quite as interesting to punish. in 20 or 30 years the sentences for computer crimes could decrease quite a lot. or they may increase. it depends on how the media flows ect ect.

besides. hacking your school is retarded on way too many levels. i have no respect for someone who hacks into their school to change their grades or scores or cheat or anything.

if your going to hack into a school for any reason it should be for the challenge and maybe to help the schools security. and i only advise either if you are close to the schools tech people.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah things are alot diffrent now i guess.. back in the day in 9th grade i was printing out and selling copys of the anarchist cookbook , almost got expelled but told my principle it was shareware software and not illegal and i guess he bought it and only gave me 3 days of suspension which was a nice vacation of chilling at home. This was before 9/11 though so im sure its alot diffrent now.

And yeah that sentence is ridiculous, one my best friends got stabbed to death by his girlsfriends father and he only got 5 yrs for man slaughter, laws like that need to be changed, and yes i agree practing on your own pc's is the best way, just get an old box and designate it as the "i dont give a fuck what happens to it box" run all your virii, trojans, keyloggers, practice programs everything on it without worry

  • 2 months later...

see the way i see it is if your going to "hack" your school just to changes your grades or do it for destruction purposes i believe that is stupid and immature BUT i also believe that as long as your doing something constructive and not hurting anyone its ok like o visit ebay at a free study hall when theres nothing to do. or even if u want to be really good talk to your IT department and help them out with security, such as making it harder for people to steal personal(teachers) info.....but since i do not know what it is like to get in trouble for computer violations maybe all im saying is totally stupid....so i guess the people saying "o this is totally stupid and you kids are gay for trying to hack ur school" maybe there right...every1 has there opinion....


Sorry, but I think these two guys were extremely immature. Still being in high school myself, I know what its like logging into a network that I know I could undermine the security of, but when your education is at risk why not spend more time studying and learning to achieve higher grades than hack them to your name.

These two obviously spent a lot of time preparing and executing the hacking to change their grades but they could just have easily spent all that time studying. And what did they get for it? Jail time.. thats what.

I agree with lots of what people have said.. Its so much easier learning to hack in a legal environment (Home) with an old spare box or 2 rather than risking what could be your whole life for a bit of illegal hacking at school on a network that in most cases is owned by the government (well in Australia it is).


Although they were convicted on multiple accounts as they should have been, I still don't think their sentence was fair; as other people have said, murderers and rapists go to jail for ~20 years and get out, which is complete BS while people who were just screwing around on school computers get put in jail for nearly 40.

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