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Find local/server/root admin pwd?


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I'm trying to 'hack' a network.

I have physical access to the computer.

I can boot from CD.

I tried using OPHCrack (latest version) but was unsuccessful in my attempt.

It gave me the following error message: No hashes found on partition

(or something like that)

I've tried using a USB Hack (think it was called claymore or some such thing, a friend gave it to me), but Symantec Anti-Virus found it, and deleted most of the nirsoft programs and the most important thing (PWDump).

I tried to try wireshark, but couldn't because it won't allow me to install it (I don't think I can install anything, let alone AirPCap with Wireshark)

Could someone please recommend to me a new way to gain access to the administrator (and other accounts) on this network?



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I'm trying to 'hack' a network.

I have physical access to the computer.

I can boot from CD.

I tried using OPHCrack (latest version) but was unsuccessful in my attempt.

It gave me the following error message: No hashes found on partition

(or something like that)

I've tried using a USB Hack (think it was called claymore or some such thing, a friend gave it to me), but Symantec Anti-Virus found it, and deleted most of the nirsoft programs and the most important thing (PWDump).

I tried to try wireshark, but couldn't because it won't allow me to install it (I don't think I can install anything, let alone AirPCap with Wireshark)

Could someone please recommend to me a new way to gain access to the administrator (and other accounts) on this network?



can't be done at this point

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The Hak5 Community has never and will never condone "hacking a network."

Clearly you are not supposed to have root access to this box/network and I don't think anyone here will help you.

I will say that a quick google search will turn up a couple hundred different ways, some of which may or may not work.

Golden Rule: Don't do to others what you would not want done to yourself.

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Okay... but what makes you think this isn't part of my white-hat training?

...and what tells us that it is? We get kids in here all the time asking how to hack/crack/get revenge/steal passwords/do other stuff that's ill advised and potentially illegal, how do we know that you're any different? You have 8 posts, the majority of which have been asking about how to "hack" systems or networks. Given that you have such a low post count and that none of us know you, would you trust someone like yourself if you were in our position?

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The hashes wont be stored on the system, what you have explained sound very much like a school network setup. Therefore all the user data will be stored on a server, probably Novell or AD, both of which you will be unable to gain the passwords.

If you manage to do anything it will only be to change a password, and which point the attack becomes noticeable hence pointless.

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Okay... but what makes you think this isn't part of my white-hat training?

I think that someone involved with white hat activity would be more likely to use terms like "penetration testing" or "gain access" rather than "I'm trying to 'hack' a network".

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Assuming it is an XP Box, then gaining local admin access is simple.

I belive it's been done or commented on 1 or 2 Hak5 Episodes... it would appear you do not watch the show?

Once you have admin access I guess you could sit there and hope they are using the default domain administrator account and sniff packets for that SID... I am guessing this is a Linux based network given that you've said "root" admin

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I actually don't go to school anymore.

I am going to this 'post-secondary' institute to gain my CCNA & MCSE qualifications.

One of our teachers says that we should learn how to hack the network there, and find the password.

So that's what I'm doing here.

When I finished this course, I will probably go for my Security+ certification.

So, if at all possible, please help me out with this.



PS: In the meantime I will attempt this with my Cain & Abel Live CD.

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Perhaps, though perhaps not.

If you want to go for your Security+, you need a little bit more common sense then to ask in a forum: "I'm trying to hack a network". Also, if your teacher wants you to practice, Im sure he just said more then "Hack the school's network!". And an even further also, It looks to me like you just searched "hack" in google, and ended up here....


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