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Programming Related:

Teach Yourself C in 21 Days: http://neonatus.net/C/index.html

Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days: http://cma.zdnet.com/book/c++/

The Art of Assembly Language Programming: http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/artofasm.html

Microsoft Developers Network: http://msdn.microsoft.com

Security Related:

SecurityFocus: http://www.securityfocus.com/

Milw0rm: http://www.milw0rm.com

SecurityForest: http://securityforest.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

Video Resources:

Watching/reading papers or videos from past conventions such as Shmoocon, DefCon, or BlackHat, is a good idea.

The URL "http://cma.zdnet.com/book/c++/" is not valid.

  • 4 weeks later...

I read ASTALAVISTA.BOX.SK for news and new tools. It used to be just a warez site, but now there are a ton of cool articles and helpful tools.

  • 2 weeks later...

wtf was that?

You're attracting the wrong kind of attention bommaboy2789, just thought I'd mention that. Keep your nose clean, will you?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

i need something thats free.  can someone tell me where i can get 1 for free?im using notepad as my editor but i dont know what to use as the compiler and linker.  if i can use notepad please tell me how


Install cygwin. It's basically the Linux toolset working under Windows, and that includes all of GCC.

Um... And you might want to look around for a text editor that does syntax highlighting...


ok i got a syntax editor, that was pretty easy. i got the cygwin, but now when i try to uninstal/extract there are like hundreds of differnt options. . i dont want to install a tone of stuff im not gonna use.


Okay, the short and sweet of it is that UNIX operates around the idea that you should have a *LOT* of small programs that perform 1 task extremely well, and you use scripting to tie them all together. End result is that you will need a _LOT_ of those programs, even when you wouldn't expect it.

But relax, it's all limited to a single directory under which this stuff gets installed. Diskspace is (or, well, should be) cheap, and all in all we're not talking about several gigabytes here... You can safely skip the xorg packages.

When you distribute the result of your work, you need to supply the program you compiled plus a single DLL which a couple of years ago stood at 1.5 MB in size.


I can't get more specific than I did in my previous post. Allow me to reiterate:

- You need a _LOT_ of those programs.

- You can safely skip the xorg packages.

Why are you so anal about which packages you need installed? Just install everything except for the xorg packages.

Either that, or start by installing gcc-core, binutils and make, and add whatever package it claims to need as you go. Unless you know what you're doing (and I'm thinking you don't) this will be a long, tedious and sometimes cryptiz process that you are likely to tire of pretty damned quickly.

  • 7 months later...

thx for the sites......now i got something to do on the net for a VERY long time. i already have programming in C++, Java and ADO.net locked...just need to get ASP.net down along with C# and hacking

  • 2 months later...


The Lessig link is bad.  I was able to find the speech here:

hxxp: www. oreillynet. com/pub/a/policy/2002/08/15/lessig. html

  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...


Another prime example of why the Hak5 community is as successful as it is.

Thanks to all the posters and of course the original poster, this is just amazing!!

Awesomeness!!! :D

  • 4 weeks later...

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