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DosBox/Bochs - Reactos


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I want to get Reactos working in Bochs or DosBox. Perferably in dosbox.

I have a live reactos iso from their site, How do I create the .img needed for use with dosbox?

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Yeah, I thought it was the other way around, that you would want to run DosBox in ReactOS?

I mean, should't ReactOS already be able to run Dos programs since it's built to run windows software anyway? ReactOS isn't a DOS program, its a whole operation system as where DosBox is just a DOS emulator to run older DOS programs.

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Some people have gotten win 3.11 95 and 98 running from within dosbox....

there was a port made for dosbox to the psp. The psp slim has 64MB of ram. My idea was to get reactos running on the psp hoping that it would be fast enough to run some decent apps on it, thus making it possable to run many pc games/apps on the psp without needing a port.

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Some people have gotten win 3.11 95 and 98 running from within dosbox....

there was a port made for dosbox to the psp. The psp slim has 64MB of ram. My idea was to get reactos running on the psp hoping that it would be fast enough to run some decent apps on it, thus making it possable to run many pc games/apps on the psp without needing a port.

Yeah, but I thought ReactOS was NT based?? Not Dos based, like previous versions of windows 3.1, 95 and 98.

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Yes it NT which is why I think it'll work better with bochs.. I dunno

I want to test it on the psp and the only x86 emulators for it are bochs and dosbox and dosbox is faster

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