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Remote Shutdown Via SMS


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couldnt you do it just by email,, googlemail have an application for mobile phones call 'gmail' and its a java app so it will work on all mobiles (well any you can buy in the shop now)..

but i supose its more fun doing it by sms

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does anyone know a thing i can put in the bat file, where it turns thunderbird on "silently", that turns thunderbird on using adminstrator acc?? and does anyone know a free page that can help you send sms to email ?? ive tryed some out but they all have limited access so you can have like the first 3 free and then rest you have to play

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  • 3 months later...

I came across this as I was looking for a way to actually boot my computer via text message.

I've already set this up using Thunderbird on my computer in order to start and shutdown my secure browsing VPN (Combo of Hamachi and Squid).

VERY useful when I'm travelling.

Simple bat files:

rem Start Squid - The Server Side Proxy
cd C:\squid\sbin\
start squid.exe

rem Start Hamachi - The VPN Tunnel
cd C:\Program Files\Hamachi
start hamachi.exe

rem Shutdown Squid - The Server Side Proxy
taskkill /im squid.exe /f

rem Shutdown Hamachi - The VPN Tunnel
taskkill /im hamachi.exe /f

I was just tryin to find some way to remote boot and shutdown my home computer itself so that I don't always have to leave it running while I'm travelling.

Didn't think it was possible to boot remotely.

Any corrections, people?

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  • 5 weeks later...

If I was running linux, and I wanted it to auto boot into dban would it work? Couldn't I just set the command to "reboot" and leave a dban disc in there, then set it to automatically boot from the CD.

But is there a way to set up dban to run automatically? Because normally you have to tell it what wipe you want to do and how many.

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If I was running linux, and I wanted it to auto boot into dban would it work? Couldn't I just set the command to "reboot" and leave a dban disc in there, then set it to automatically boot from the CD.

But is there a way to set up dban to run automatically? Because normally you have to tell it what wipe you want to do and how many.

Check out: https://we.riseup.net/debian/remotely-wiping-disks

Might be able to edit the bootable disc to pass those commands during boot.

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Back in college for a piece of electronics coursework, i did something simlarish but all hardware based. I basically took my old nokia 3310 and soldered a small circuit (if i remeber correctly based on a 555 timer) to the connections of the motor that causes the phone to vibrate, the connected the output of the circuit to the pc's switch. That way i could text/call the phone it would cause the motor connetions to go high which in turn pulsed the on/off switch.

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