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I currently use winavi  which works well

except for one problem

it is only single threaded. on my opteron 170 overclocked, just using 1 core

it will convert a 640x480 video at around 300-340 FPS  using only 1 core

(the company doesn't seem to have any plans for multi core support

i tried other converters like super and they only got around 60-80fps  and the quality was the same as with winavi

does anyone know of any video converters that are as fast as winavi and support formats like .mkv

width=495 height=348http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/2579/hak55gk4.jpg[/img]

I mainly like using the batch converter so i can convert all videos i download into avi format and 320x240  for my pocket pc as  the screen is only 320x240  and theres no need for 640x480 content as that just makes the files much larger and waste space. 

and i also need to convert the dreaded mkv files  there like 4 times the file size of others and contain  about 5 different sound streams and and lots of other stuff that  makes it so i can only fit 10-12 videos on my pocket pc instead of 20-30


TMpeg? I haven tused it, but I know people use it for formats like mkv: http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-69938.html

I persoanlly use Virtual Dub fo rmost of my encoding, bu tnot sure what plugins needed to open mkv files. You probably need avi synth in combo with Virtual Dub to do it, but not sure as I dont work with mkv files.

VirtualDubMod works with MKVs.

I see MPV as a file type in my version of VD, but not any MKV files listed, but then again, I dont have any mkv files, so I never tried it.

Good to know though...

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