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April Desktops

Mark Manching

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@DLSS Ninja

Screenshot Ingredients

Ā  Ā  * Wallpapers /

Ā  Ā  Ā  startropics by newmodel

Ā  Ā  * Icons /

Ā  Ā  Ā  minimal black BETA by nergal79

Ā  Ā  * Icons /

Ā  Ā  Ā  AMANA L by Imrik

Ā  Ā  * XP Themes /

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ashen II by raoul

Ā  Ā  * Styler Toolbar /

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ashen ST by raoul

Ā  Ā  * Winamp /

Ā  Ā  Ā  AMANA08 winamp by naalo

Ā  Ā  * Launchy - i used the quicksilver skin

Ā  Ā  * Rocket Dock - made the icons with AvantGrade LT Medium font.. not sure where.. but i think i found it on this site bundled with an XP theme.. last i checked this font isnt free... hmm... if u want it i'll upload it ...

Ā  Ā  * Yahoo Widgets - ok fine... i know it looks fugly.. i cant seem to be able to find any other nicer widget which tells me Volume+Calander+Time+Batteryinfo+Wifi all in one.. if anyone knows a good alternative, please tell me (would be nice if its resource and ram friendly..

Ā  Ā  * CachemanXP - i use this to revcover my ram and clear my pagefile...

Ā  Ā  * Ripbot264 Video Encoder - well i thought it looks nice in this screenshot.. and i like this tool too.. great for my psp :)

Ā  Ā  * WinRoll - although i didnt show this on my screenshot, im using winroll...

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Nothing Special. Just a new install on my new pc. :D oh and the phat 3dmark score my overclock earnt!

width=1024 height=640http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh162/vote4bush/back.jpg[/img]

width=1024 height=640http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh162/vote4bush/3dmarkwoow.jpg[/img]

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@DLSS Ninja

Screenshot Ingredients

Ā  Ā  * Wallpapers /

Ā  Ā  Ā  startropics by newmodel

Ā  Ā  * Icons /

Ā  Ā  Ā  minimal black BETA by nergal79

Ā  Ā  * Icons /

Ā  Ā  Ā  AMANA L by Imrik

Ā  Ā  * XP Themes /

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ashen II by raoul

Ā  Ā  * Styler Toolbar /

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ashen ST by raoul

Ā  Ā  * Winamp /

Ā  Ā  Ā  AMANA08 winamp by naalo

Ā  Ā  * Launchy - i used the quicksilver skin

Ā  Ā  * Rocket Dock - made the icons with AvantGrade LT Medium font.. not sure where.. but i think i found it on this site bundled with an XP theme.. last i checked this font isnt free... hmm... if u want it i'll upload it ...

Ā  Ā  * Yahoo Widgets - ok fine... i know it looks fugly.. i cant seem to be able to find any other nicer widget which tells me Volume+Calander+Time+Batteryinfo+Wifi all in one.. if anyone knows a good alternative, please tell me (would be nice if its resource and ram friendly..

Ā  Ā  * CachemanXP - i use this to revcover my ram and clear my pagefile...

Ā  Ā  * Ripbot264 Video Encoder - well i thought it looks nice in this screenshot.. and i like this tool too.. great for my psp :)

Ā  Ā  * WinRoll - although i didnt show this on my screenshot, im using winroll...

thnx, i'm really lovin the theme for my taskbar being just a tad smaller , tho i liked the glowing etc of my other one more (these buttons are hard to see (minimalise/resize/close

until now i used Tener VS by MohsinNaqi

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Based on thisĀ  pic (http://lh3.ggpht.com/haunmass/R2LR_XobrqI/AAAAAAAAA54/qICzYEk_jWM/IMG_1476.JPG)

from a link I followed in #hak5, I created my own from the image for my current desktop wallpaper.

Desktop: http://www.twistedpairrecords.com/digip/hak5_fallout.jpg


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