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cannot launch port 8085 and wont grab track


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Hi.  I have a mac and have been struggling for hours to get pandora jar to work.  I have followed the directions perfectly. . . I have greasemonkey and the script, flash switcher, everything is all set.  When I go to start pandora jar everything appears to be fine except 2 Things:

1.  I get a message saying failure to launch port 8085. . . address already in use in the terminal, but the program still loads

2.  Once Pandora Jar loads the "grab this track" button doesn't work! Also the interface as a whole doesn't work.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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do you have any  other programs that are using t that port?

if so then change the port by editing the batch file

to do this, head to the Pandora folder then right click on the file named Pandora.bat

then after that, click on edit

you will see

@echo off

start javaw -jar pandora.jar 8085

cd "C:PandoraFox"

start firefoxPortable http://localhost:8085

change the 8085 to another port of your choice thats not in use

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