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XBOX 360 Mods


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I am writing this topic to discuss Xbox 360 Mods, in a hope to revert/prevent the Red Ring Of Death.

For those who dont know, the Red Ring Of Death is where the console shows its error lights on its Ring Of Light. When it shows 2 red lights the console has overheated, when it shows 3 red lights Microsoft discribe it as Hardware Failure.

Millions of people are experiencing the Red Ring Of Death, and last week, so did I.

My console since then has been modded. I have cut out the air vents at the back of the console, where the fans are, to provide more airflow. Ive alos cut out the top of the case and added 2 mesh grills allowing extended airflow. Ive made the 2 rear fans 12volts making air exchange faster and ive added another fan infront of the cpu/gpu heatsinks to cool them down. I also removed the 'Evil' X-Clamps that hold the heatsinks on, and swapped them for bolts to hold the heatsinks on. For a while this worked, and the console worked fine - but now its gone back to the Red Ring Of Death, and it isn't going away.

Any Ideas anyone?

Also... post all your Xbox/Xbox 360 Mods here!!! :P

Modified.... My Warrenty was already VOID as the console is over an year old and is the newer type XBOX. I tried to send it back but they said its no longer under warrenty. The Mods i made did help the xbox a lot. it ran a lot cooler, and actually worked for a while. But the other day i was playing the new Frontlines Fuel Of War Multiplayer Demo online and it crashed, i reset the xbox and it red ringed.

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The more holes you make, the more dust can get in and blanket parts. Plus increases the chances of ESD damage. Mounting the heat sink firmer is a good idea and creating the exahust port on the back for the fan is a good idea as well, but sound slike somewhere down the line you damaged something in yoru mods if the red ring of death is not going away. Sending it back to Microsoft now will not get you anything since you voided your warranty by hacking the thing to peices.

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You're meant to have 3 years now.  Mind was void before it died.  If you hold the sync button and press the eject button 4 times, this will give you a code which can give you the answer to your problem.  Or at least point you in the direction.  When you say you have the new one, do you mean the ones with 2 heatsinks for the GPU?

Did you overheat the console after removing the x clamps?  What I have found works; change the clamps to the bolts, cook the thing, then tighten the bolts when it is hot. Don't do it too much though, as you don't want to bend the motherboard.  Stand to cool and serve.  There is the chance it's proper fucked mind you.

If everything fails all you need is a hammer and a packet of condoms, if smacking it doesn’t fix it, fuck it...

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@someoneE1se cheers, been saving that  8)

@voteforbush, that happens to be one of the worst ones to have, because no one is quite sure what error message 0020 means.  I've heard people say the motherboard is bent, so you could check that.  Others say it's overheating, but I don't think it is as simple as that.  Many with 0020 are dead, maybe you can fix it and let us know what you did.

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  • 1 month later...

Team Xecuter is releasing a RRoD fix it kit, (no joke):

http://www.team-xecuter.com/forums/showthr...p?t=47472    :D

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Team Xecuter is releasing a RRoD fix it kit, (no joke):

http://www.team-xecuter.com/forums/showthr...p?t=47472    :D

Their forum has the most badass theme ever.

Stop the useless posts plz

Both of you need to stop waving your dicks around trying to see who's is bigger they're both small.  Now grow the fuck up and stop acting like n00bs!
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  • 4 months later...

One time I got all 4 red lights in the ring blink, when I unplugged the A/V cable from the back of the 360 when it was still on. Scared the shit out of me so I instantly plugged it back in and everything was fine.

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  • 2 months later...

Fixed my RRoD with rubber pads and heater, as per standard. Worked a charm.

But what I'm hearing is MS put a bigger heatsink on when you send it to them, and now that the warranty is 3 years, there's no reason not to. Unless like many of us, you've already voided your warranty by opening the box for 'whatever reason' ;)

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  • 9 months later...
does anyone know how to mode a an xbox 360 to get free gold membership or free microsoft pointsss?

After reviewing your previous posts I believe that you’re not ignorant. I believe that your perceived incompetence is a front for purposefully expressing concepts that are the seed for flame. By propagating these forums you attempt to cause widespread anger and frustration to ensue. You strike the match and wait for your prey to douse the flame with fuel. You stand back and wait for the fire to grow larger as the community as a whole bands together in its quest for solemnity. You expect us to fall into line, and behave as calculable entities. From this you feel enlightened. You get the sensation that you have been elevated above the populus as an all seeing eye. You peer in, surveying all that you have done, and you are pleased. Though the application of a comparatively minute force, you have created a monstrous body.

This post will pass and the war that would ensue world rage on for a matter of hours only to be forgotten as the many before it. At this point you will return from your spire only to strike again. It will be small, but it will be where we are most susceptible. Another onslaught of words will carry fourth only solidifying the never ending cycle. As a plague that spreads thought the cosmos more seem to enjoy the same luxuries that you reap. As this may sooth the suffering of few it only furthers the problem for the rest.

It is now that I ask for the ears and eyes of the those thwarted by these few "dignitaries" to not give them what they ask, not give them the power that they so seek, and to not let them pillage our ideals for momentary enlightenment. By doing this we ourselves have become the aware without the need for destruction.

/rant (deep breath)

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Holy shit. Someone needs to put the thesaurus down, and chill the fuck out.

I saw this the other day, and thought "Ooh, fuck yeah!". Lian Li have a case specifically made for the X360. Looks damn sweet too.

Lian Li Xbox 360 Case

You can check the videos on Youtube comparing the noise difference. Its actually astounding. And for once, the X360 doesnt sound like its stuggling to do everything. It just sounds to effortless.

EDIT: Aw shit hot! 100th post. Boooom!

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Sry I was a little drunk and pissed off. Back on topic.


I posted this in another topic but here is two quick mods to make your 360 run much cooler.

th_foil.jpg th_5773_100672688438_741113438_2012321.j

_______FOIL MOD________________CPU FAN________

The foil mod forces the Air that is being drawn through the duct to flow along the heat sink longer. Don't use too much foil or you can constrict the airflow thus increasing the temperature.


On the topic of Xbox rrod repairs there is a new way that is much better than the x clamp called the hybrid fix. This fix reduces the pressure on the motherboard by leveling all of the mobo standoffs and by removing the static tension that the xclamps/xclamp fix produce.


Here is a mock up of a new design that I might make for my next xbox mod that looks cool and increases airflow!


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