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i am in some trouble..

japo capo

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I feel really shitty about this being my first post.  i've lurked here for awhile now.  i never really felt a need to make a thread to say something other then now.  This is a very complex matter so please bare with me due to me not being allowed to talk about the exact details due to my lawyer's wishes. 

on Saturday i was away from my home.  i get a call and a voice on the phone says "We have a warren to seize your computer equipment" Needless to say i was totally floored.  I maintained my clam and tired to get the most information out of them that i could.  After i got off the phone with the pigs i had my two buddies make a run by my hose.  They refused to identify them selfs to me over the telephone.  I had also called my mother to go to my apartment to see exactly what the hell was going on. 

The police were  very very rude to my mother.  They made comments over the phone to me and even made wise cracks about how they are going to be taking my stuff and such.  It had me next to a fit of rage but i still remained calm.  finally once they gained access to my house and i knew anger was a pointless emotion due to me being away from home and helpless i started to think what had happen.

Finally i thought of what it had to be.  I allowed someone remote access to my computer.  They then in turn used my computer for the fucking digital crack house if you will. 

i contacted a lawyer a really good defense team that only handles computer crimes.  i explained exactly what had happen and the lawyers seemed very confident and told me not to worry and that they can and will assist me in taking care of my problems.

Which bring me to my question.  the pigs seized 11,000 of my computer equipment they managed to take servers parts every single fucking harddrive in my home and managed to get about 1TB of my data.  things that i have saved made and backed up since i was 12 years old. . .  13 years of my life. 

Now i am not worried about the charges.  I know that i didnt do anything wrong and its the lawyers job to prove this.  When i asked them about getting my stuff back they gave me a snappy "LETS JUST GET YOU OUT OF TROUBLE FIRST" answer.  I had even planned to sell off some of my computers to help with the lawyer debt. 

has anyone delt with this stuff or anything like this? I am just looking to vent and maybe tell some guys that would know how i feel as a bunch of fat greasy cops have my computers.    :(

Yet again i am very sorry that this is my first post.  i dont mean to bring any drama to the forums but i just need to vent and ask if anyone has delt with this and to give me an idea of what i am looking at. 

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Truth, depends on what you so called buddy did. It could be played off by contacting your ISP for the timeframe his playing happened and then proving you were elsewhere.  As for your data, your screwed. I have a friend of mine who was siezed and the drives where all wiped when he got them back. The way your lawyer plays this could get you little more than heartache and a slap on the wrist.

As for general comment S1E has it right. Easy thing to remember.. if you wouldnt trust them to shave your balls dont let them on your machine.

Good luck and keep us posted on the outcome. I myself am interested in hearing how this turns out.


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Trouble is that its your equipment and unless you have some form of contract regarding your mates use of your equipment you may be screwed. Which is why you should always audit your stuff. Your next port of call should be selling out your mate tbh, and if that doesn't work, hurting him.

This mainly will depend on what they actually did with your kit, if its kiddie porn, all i can say is your lawyer had better be good. If its warez etc then you should be able to fight it, although it still comes down to being your kit, which you're responsible for.

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While I don't really have any useful advice to add other than work with your lawyer to get your equipment back, I felt it necessary to chime in and at least say I feel for you man and will be sending good mojo your way. If you can please keep us informed. I really hope all goes well dude.

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I have the feeling there is more to this story... I was supprised it wasn't ended with "So please help me by sending me $1"

Why would you allow someone remote access to your system? Why wouldn't you revoke that access after a given period? Just doesn't add up for me.

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I have the feeling there is more to this story... I was supprised it was ended with "So please help me by sending me $1"

Why would you allow someone remote access to your system? Why wouldn't you revoke that access after a given period? Just doesn't add up for me.

I think it would be naive of us to think he told us the entire story.  If I was in the same situation I sure as hell wouldn't.

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if its anything like here (in belgium) you'll be lucky to get your kit back in "any" state  ....

i still have an old topic on here bout raids on lan party's over here , basically over here they rade lans cos ppl spread warez , they shut down the power and come in with a team of the fccu (federal computer crime unit) and take all your shit , no matter if there's warez on it or not , then things get inspected if they find anything u'll see em in court , if they dont chances are your kit ends up as a cop's new work machine ...

basically over here they're allowed to use anything they seized for five or ten years or so ... (this was originally put in place so the cops could use your car they confiscated to use as a ghost car to do speed scans etc)

there's stories of people losing their rigs (confiscated) and getting em back after five years, smelling like siggs cos all that time it was being used at a police station ....

(these things are one of the reasons more n more lanparty's are going underground again ...

anyway best of luck getting yer shit back m8

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You guys are right. I didn't exactly tell the whole story....yet they are my lawyers wishes and i am not a moron. i wont until the case is over. but i can be a bit more clear on what happen.

the person i gave my info to had his laptop stolen. the stupid fucker had a txt file on the destop that said MY FRIENDS LOGIN PASS ect ect ect

What is worse is.. he didnt tell me his computer was stolen until the day my shit was seized and he never told me that he had that .txt file until today. In a fit of rage i was really harsh to him. then we he went home and i did the same.

I live in a very very small town. the cops at home are bored and hick assholes. every encounter ive had with them has been terrible and violent so i avoid them. I had my buddies go into the house and get some of my stuff.

Well we all have data that we really dont want cops getting a hold of. Like i said i have had been backing up data on for over 10 years. Well at home i have an external hdd that i store on. the hdd was hidden up behind my desk on the heating register. Turns out that the fucking pigs missed it. They seized 6 of my computers when i store ALL of my data on my 600gb harddrive.

So now i am 100% sure that they have NOTHING at all. at their little top secret cop ass fucking facility. Plus all of my mp3 files personal phots (girlfriend kid pass EX girlfriends that i would really rather cops not having) are all safe and this makes me feel so so much better.

If you guys are still interested in this i will keep posting as my story develops. I do have a very fast desktop i loaned to a friend that i am going to get back today. I also have my laptop, i had it on me when i got the phone call at shmoocon haha of all places to get news that your shit was being seized  :shock:

Please excuse my cussing and probably poor grammar. Every time i think what happen to me i get angry. so by the time i am done typing it i am boiling upset.

The Police obtained a warrant from a judge by an AIM conversation thats it. i have a pretty good mole in my ISP. i spoke to him and the police didnt even attempt to check any records. The warrant was written very very poor, and they tired to intimidate me and the people involved every step of the way. the police were VERY rude and arrogant to my mother when she went to my house to see what was going on, refused to show identification when she told them who she was.

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if the police don't want to identify them self then call 911  and beg for help then hang up.

the police at your house can be fake or if there real, they will have to identify them self to the other police 

also by law they have to tell you

who they are

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i finally got a hold of the search warrant today.


turns out that they listed the 500GB harddrive in the warrant. so my guess is that they were gathering my stuff up and taking inventory on it all they fucking forgot the 500gb drive. the one under the desk.

today has been 6 days since i've heard from them. i think that when they got back and began to take inventory of my stuff they saw that they only had 1 seagate drive and not too.. so someone is getting fired.

also since they drug me into this and were acting like such assholes i plan to really press the issue about this missing harddrive.

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May I ask how they got a list of all your computer equipment. 

Yeah, things are smelling fishy now.

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i reckon you gotta be doing sumthing wrong to get blamed. They don't just blame you for shit you haven't done if your not suspect already.

May i ask if you had any warez on you hdd's they took cause if you do your up shit creek cause they will say you a "hacker" and you'll never get any compo for them taking your shit( If your innocent that is ).

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It's shit being you...

Regardless of what you have done, it isn't a nice thing.  But you must have something they want, even if you're cleared of what YOU think it is they were after.  They will try their hardest to find something.  Looks bad for them if they don't.  If they do have to return your items, good luck with that.  I have friends who got a few things taken, some by forensics, this was about 5 years ago.  They didn't even get their shoes back.

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Sorry i haven't been posting much but not a whole lot has been happening.

I have been doing the "lawyer shuffle" due to the fact of the them wanting extremely high amounts of money.

They want 8000- 10,000 USD to take care of the case. Then once i get arrested if i send to trial they want up to 20,000 USD

during one of the consultations  with one of the good layers i was told a few things. first off the computer charge will not hold. The police have to prove i did what they are saying i did. Its not my job to disprove it. They have to prove it first. then i have to disprove what they are calming i did. Thus far i wasn't charged with anything and its going on 1 month.

the thing that scares me is they confiscated a shotgun i have. Now the shotgun was not stolen. i live in the us. in my state you do not have to register shotgun at all. I made a modification on my gun that may of made it illegal. what really makes me angry is that they weren't even looking for a gun of any kind of gun. search warrent only states computer stuff, look it out of my house. lawyer said that if a gun hating judge gets a hold of this he could try and pin a felony on me. :( but allow me to restate i am not charged with anything yet.

I am going to find out what the deal is very soon. a laywer is going to call the station and pretty much ask the cops what is going on and that they police are not going to question me with out legal council present.

NOTE: If you are trying to give me legal advice please don't. I am not trying to be mean or sound like a condescending asshole to anyone on these forums. One of the main reason why i refuse to talk about what is going on is i get tons of people giving me advice. They have absolutely no idea whats going on at all or even what they are talking about. I dont agrue with people like that anymore but when i did it all boiled down to them saying "well i saw on CSI... Well my mom's old roomate's brothers best friend is a lawyer and he says.."  or something of that nature. Arguing with someone that has no idea what they are talking about just adds more stress and frustration to this entire thing.

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well IMHO if you don't want advice, why post in a forum asking for it?

I will say that the gun issue means nothing.  If they came in to get the computer and saw a pile of drugs, do you think they'd leave teh drugs?  NO!  so if the sawed-off shotgun you had was in plain site, then its your problem not ours.

Im sorry you go through the trouble to post about something, give few details then expect nobody to ask you questions about it.  at teh same tim I can understand you need to vent, BUT that is what a pen and paper diary are for, when you don't have a computer of your own... and FYI forums, IRC, blogs should not be your personal diary.

So if you want to Say no legal advice, well then go stfu or tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the TRUTH.

Since Mr. no-legal-advice-japo hates advice, I'd vote threat lock.

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I think your the only person who wants this topic locked...

i want to continue to find out whats going on.

and for the legal advice. i believe manuel_l. you posted this in a questions forum. but i see your not asking for help. your asking for anybody with simular issues

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I honestly don't care about this half story, we've no idea why the house was raided but it was probally done so on good grounds, who knows what was on those disks only the author can tell. We already know he has illegal firearms...

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I think your the only person who wants this topic locked...

i want to continue to find out whats going on.

and for the legal advice. i believe manuel_l. you posted this in a questions forum. but i see your not asking for help. your asking for anybody with simular issues

not really, I think this is a stupid pointless thread and the OP is a noob.
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