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Looking to buy a U3 drive to try the Hacksaw as part of a class project (no ill intentions).  I went to some online stores, but drives don't list if they are U3 or not.  Would the packaging for the USB drive at the store state this?  I'm probably going to roll to Best Buy and pick up a 512 or 1GB since it's for the class only. 

Any recommendation/suggestions on some that may work better than others or is it irrelevant?

Thanks in advance for helping the "Noob"


A really good u3 drive is the Sandisk Micro.

By the way, search for usb drives on the radioshack website, find a drive you like, and when you look under

its description if it says "u3 smart" or something similar, then it's u3. Then type the product name into amazon or such where

the prices are better.

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