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Whats on your bookshelf?


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Along with a handfull of PDF's, and IPTV shows, my biggest resource of info is the almighty internet.  But sometimes you just have to get the real deal...

What ACTUAL books do you have on your bookshelf?

My bookshelf.




Not very impressive, but just wondering what some of you guys have.


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I have quite a few The Complete Reference books, mainly things like Perl, C++, UNIX and so on, other stuff like a first edition of Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings (VAX FTW), I have a load of the Black Book series. Any country I've been too I have the Lonely Planet Guide Book, well if they make one. Other then that I have quite a few political books and a few photography books. 

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That's awesome, it looks like the shelf at the bookstore.  I'm cheap, I'll see a book, want it...then decide that I could probably find the information on the internet (which is free) and decide not to buy it.  But I'm really happy with my last purchase, the telecommunications book, it took a lot of things I already understood, and put it together to form the big picture.  Also, the dummies books are pretty good to, when your starting out, it's good to get the gist of things before you get into the nitty gritty of something.

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I have Linux for dummies 3rd edition (with Red Hat 7 on 3-Cds), Windows Vista the definitive Guide, a Guide to MySQL (needed it for class), Suse Linux enterprise serve administration, VBscript WMI and ADSI (also have it on PDF if your interested) Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations 2nd edition, Counter Hack Reloaded excelent for the beginer, and my fav is The Hacker Diaries Confessions of the teenage Hackers by dan verton. not much how to knowlage but very entertaining and inspiring for anyone dealing with computers and networks.

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width=640 height=480http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/1504/1002081906ne1.jpg[/img]

some mags :

width=640 height=480http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/3641/1002081907xo2.jpg[/img]

a few books seperate :

width=640 height=480http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/816/1002081912yo4.jpg[/img]

(title translations)


basic for beginners

PC maintenance

php 5

php 4 without stress

javascript without stress

c++ without stress

(sleutelen met webpagina's) = more or less : messing about with websites

programming games in 24hr

Steal this computer book 2nd edition

Win 32 system services

PC intern 4

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some mags :


a few books seperate :


(title translations)


basic for beginners

PC maintenance

php 5

php 4 without stress

javascript without stress

c++ without stress

(sleutelen met webpagina's) = more or less : messing about with websites

programming games in 24hr

Steal this computer book 2nd edition

Win 32 system services

PC intern 4

hello DLSS

i have the same book "c++ voor beginners"

but do you think that "steel dit computerboek" is a good book , i wanted to buy it but i didn't knew if it was good so ...


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some mags :


a few books seperate :


(title translations)


basic for beginners

PC maintenance

php 5

php 4 without stress

javascript without stress

c++ without stress

(sleutelen met webpagina's) = more or less : messing about with websites

programming games in 24hr

Steal this computer book 2nd edition

Win 32 system services

PC intern 4

hello DLSS

i have the same book "c++ voor beginners"

but do you think that "steel dit computerboek" is a good book , i wanted to buy it but i didn't knew if it was good so ...


well it used to be my favorite, so yeah its a great introduction book :)

it gives an explanation on what the difference is between certain virus types , trojans, scams , etc (including a history list of legendary viruses) , some info on certain (old legendary) tools & trojans like subseven, etc

even a list of mailadresses etc u can use to recieve websites you cant reach orthat are blocked (lets say you're in china , cant reach a certain site , just mail the url to the email adress and you'll get the page mailed back) and a bunch of other neat stuff including some phone phreaking story's (it also covers social engeneering etc)

tho 1 big advice ! get the first edition ! (white grey cover with black fingerprints)  i used to have it and it has a lot of cool stuff they left out in the second edition (the black one you see with white fingerprints)

so : if you can find it  ....

you want this :

width=100 height=136http://www.boekrecensie.com/images/Q/10dd6b3f36b45c096837be09e85e8b55/9051673981.jpg[/img]

Paperback. Easy Computing 2001-06.

ISBN: 9051673981 / 90-5167-398-1

EAN: 9789051673982

over this :

width=100 height=139http://www.boekrecensie.com/images/Q/c63c4f14ef21452d51288e4c639c651c/9045632640.jpg[/img]

Paperback. Easy Computing 2003-08.

ISBN: 9045632640 / 90-456-3264-0

EAN: 9789045632643

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some mags :


a few books seperate :


(title translations)


basic for beginners

PC maintenance

php 5

php 4 without stress

javascript without stress

c++ without stress

(sleutelen met webpagina's) = more or less : messing about with websites

programming games in 24hr

Steal this computer book 2nd edition

Win 32 system services

PC intern 4

hello DLSS

i have the same book "c++ voor beginners"

but do you think that "steel dit computerboek" is a good book , i wanted to buy it but i didn't knew if it was good so ...


well it used to be my favorite, so yeah its a great introduction book :)

it gives an explanation on what the difference is between certain virus types , trojans, scams , etc (including a history list of legendary viruses) , some info on certain (old legendary) tools & trojans like subseven, etc

even a list of mailadresses etc u can use to recieve websites you cant reach orthat are blocked (lets say you're in china , cant reach a certain site , just mail the url to the email adress and you'll get the page mailed back) and a bunch of other neat stuff including some phone phreaking story's (it also covers social engeneering etc)

tho 1 big advice ! get the first edition ! (white grey cover with black fingerprints)  i used to have it and it has a lot of cool stuff they left out in the second edition (the black one you see with white fingerprints)

so : if you can find it  ....

you want this :

width=100 height=136http://www.boekrecensie.com/images/Q/10dd6b3f36b45c096837be09e85e8b55/9051673981.jpg[/img]

Paperback. Easy Computing 2001-06.

ISBN: 9051673981 / 90-5167-398-1

EAN: 9789051673982

over this :

width=100 height=139http://www.boekrecensie.com/images/Q/c63c4f14ef21452d51288e4c639c651c/9045632640.jpg[/img]

Paperback. Easy Computing 2003-08.

ISBN: 9045632640 / 90-456-3264-0

EAN: 9789045632643

ok thanks a lot

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I love to read. Here are a mere few of the books I have on my shelf.

Perl for Dummies

HTML for Dummies

Hacking for Dummies [imagine that!]

Linux for Dummies

Encyclopedia set

Oxford Dictionary

Hacking exposed : network security secrets & solutions

Hacking : the art of exploitation

Learning Perl

Lord of the Rings

The Hobbit

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from what i can remmeber:

a few 'steal this computer book's

art of deception

art of intrusion

fear and loathing in las vegas

hell's angels

a bunch of the Magic: the gathering books


a few number theory books

thats about it!  :-P

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