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PHP Newline problem


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$output = "#EXTM3Un#EXTINF:".$filelength.",".urldecode($_GET['play'])."n".str_replace("/", "", urldecode($_GET['folder']))."".urldecode($_GET['play']);


$file = fopen ($save_path.$newfile, "w");

fwrite($file, $output);

fclose ($file);

I am trying to write the $output to a file named live.m3u, however when the code executes it all ends up on the same line with a [] instead of a carridge return, the text it outputs is fine and if I manually open the file and put the code on 3 lines the .m3u will open. I have tried a couple of things but I can't seem to get n to work, does anyone have any suggestions?

Not sure if this should have gone into coding?

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:-P Nice one fella, works a treat off to find out what /r does

Are you on Windows or Linux/mac?

I think n works as a replacement to <br> when doing echo statments for html, but rn is when streaming data to a file.

On a MAC rn works like n on windows and linux for html <BR> though.

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  • 4 years later...

windows uses


and linux is


but for simplicity's sake, just use the php constant


(since 4.3.10 and 5.0.2) cite

the server decides what the correct line ending is for

it's environment and uses it.


Edited by xero
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windows uses


and linux is


but for simplicity's sake, just use the php constant


(since 4.3.10 and 5.0.2) cite

the server decides what the correct line ending is for

it's environment and uses it.


Nice! Thanks for that.

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