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Show a Video on Windows Startup


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Hey guys, i want to know if anyone knows how to make a video show up every time i start windows, just like the bunch of programs that start when Windows starts.

I get this idea, long time ago, when i saw a modified windows that shows a video everytime it's get started, instead of a static image

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hmm.... I once awhile ago did a registry hack and replaced the windows title screen with my

own custom made screen, but replacing it with a vid, well... not much experience there but I

suppose anythings possible? good luck with this also try googling up that registry hack to

change the picture and just try to replace it with the video file, but dont forget to back up

incase something goes terribly wrong, I personally know an idiot who replaced explorer.exe

with a keylogger *sigh*

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Hey guys, i want to know if anyone knows how to make a video show up every time i start windows, just like the bunch of programs that start when Windows starts.

I get this idea, long time ago, when i saw a modified windows that shows a video everytime it's get started, instead of a static image

You could create a dos batch file that runs vlc with the --fullscreen option.


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It can easly be done on Vista, this is due to Vista's start-screen already using a AVI file for the animation. Though as for XP, its not unless u replace the entire start-screen wif a new application, ive heard of it being tryed, never successful. XP uses a BMP for its title screen, and only supports BMP.

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hmm... I was thinking about this topic today and wondered... styleXP + somehow convert the video file to some type of .exe or create and .exe to call a video file?

Been awhile since I've used it, but it changes all the themes, boot screen's, etc. but it uses .exe's so I don't see why it wouldn't work if we could use a video somehow from an .exe file. Just a thought.

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hmm... I was thinking about this topic today and wondered... styleXP + somehow convert the video file to some type of .exe or create and .exe to call a video file?

Been awhile since I've used it, but it changes all the themes, boot screen's, etc. but it uses .exe's so I don't see why it wouldn't work if we could use a video somehow from an .exe file. Just a thought.

Because the program that contains the boot screen is more than just a boot screen, it's the Windows kernel. Replace it and Windows will never boot. Ever.

Even if you could replace it you wouldn't be able to use a Windows executable since Windows won't have booted yet. You can't use an MSDOS executable because MSDOS is emulated in Windows XP. You'd have to write the whole thing in ASM/C and it'd be a whole lot more trouble than you're asking for. Oh yeah, and even if you did create this program you'd still have no Windows, you'll have replaced the kernel with a video player.

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I've heard that Win98 and ME it was possable. A few years ago i saw it but i didn't save it as i wasent running those OS's. I will hunt the net to see if they have changed and made it possable for XP or above it would be nice to use a video from CNC tiberum sun when you first run the game i loved that video.

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not all that bd of a thing

theres a site out there "tweek xp" it will let you change the boot img but it won't play a movie

Wincustomize.com has a nice little app to edit the WinXP/vista boot image, its call bootskin


I use this as my boot image: http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?ski...32&libid=32

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