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Classical Music in Pandora (First Problem)


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Hello everybody.

Good news!!!!! Now you can get classical music from Pandora. Well there´s a problem and maybe somebody can help. The classical music id3 are wrong, for example, you want the complete piano concerto Nº 5 from Beethoven but you will not get it complete because all movements (1, 2 and 3) have the same file name (and id3).

Can someone help me?

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This problem has been mentioned before.  I once suggested that the music files should

be captured "as is" (here "raw capture" would mean without any effort to tag the files),

if time stamps are preserved and appended to the filename then there's no risk to get

name conflicts since only piece is played at a time.  Of course, this was never done...

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for situations like this, it is best to  rename the file after ripping it  for the first movement add a 1 behind the name

the odds of each song playing one after the other is very low and even if they did, you should have enough time to rename the songs

but it would be cool if pandora could add numbers to the end of the songs  like how firefos adds a 2 at the end of a download if you already downloaded it, instead of overwriting based on file name, it  adds a number at the end

many downloaders do this, would be a nice feature for pandora and any other downloader that doesnt have this feature

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