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ukdsl+adsl2mue+wrt54g (dynDNS) problem


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Ok i got a wrt54g v2 and a linksys adsl2mue modem given to me by someone.

Reset both devices to factory and then proceeded to config them for my network..

so... i gave modem lan ip of which then gives and ip to wrt54g of on wan interface. wrt54g them gives out ips on the 0.1 range.

This all works fine!!! internet works very well wifi is also good! but... DynDNS client on the wrt54g..... i entered my details correctly and it updated... the "internet ip address" for dyndns was listed as im thinking thats not correct...

I then logged in to dyndns and looked at the last ip update and it said lol rather than the usual dsl formated address i.e 87.178.* etc...

im guessing its something to do with the way the eth port on modem or wan port on the router is setup...im stumped!

i have not worked with linksys stuff before and especially not with seperate modem + router so  there mayeb some problem with my setup or me just being think!?

could anyone help? / share experience



p.s. sorry if this is complicated or unreadable lol  :)

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You might have to run the DynDNS client on your computer. I'm guessing the WRT54G just tells DynDNS it's WAN IP. Also, your 'modem' is also a router if it's assigning the wrt an IP address like that. You need to setup DynDNS on that router if you can.

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The problem is that the wrt would need a third party to tell it it's actual internet IP address. The desktop client does offer this functionailty. The wrt just assumes it's WAN IP is the interntet IP address. I wonder what would happen if you turn on DHCP forwarding on the first router.

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I seem to have solved the problem i put the modem in bridged mode and then gave the router the login credentials and set to pppoe! works a treat!

I was going to tell you to 1 bridge the modem if you can or hang the wrt54 in the DMZ :) both should work

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