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Pandora Timeshifting App: Main Discussion Thread


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yeah...so I really dont feel like looking though 82 fukin pages just to find out this one question...

Is there a Pandora Hack or silmilair application/hack that will mark the songs that I download as a "Thumbed-up" song? Because Its really annoying trying to find the songs that are thumbed up, then having to separate them, etc.

So if anyone has already read all of these 82 pages, please reply.


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Is there a Pandora Hack or silmilair application/hack that will mark the songs that I download as a "Thumbed-up" song?

hmm, from someone who has read all 82 pages.... no. by the way if anyone is interested, pandora's jar works in songbird... hehehehe.


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Is there a Pandora Hack or silmilair application/hack that will mark the songs that I download as a "Thumbed-up" song?

Yeh - no cigar on that one - I had to code that functionality in myself for my home-brew version... So it creates a separate playlist of "Favs" every time you thumbs-up something.. also, it deletes songs you thumbs down..

sorry pal :roll:

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Hi there. First off, thanks for the app - it's great.

I've a couple of small issues - i've looked through most of the 83 pages to find an answer but haven't yet. When I 'grab' a song manually it actually saves the previous song. i click within 15 seconds of the start so am not sure what it's doing.

Also, sometimes it only records about 20 seconds of a song, not the whole thing.

Anyone got any ideas?

I'm running latest firefox, latest pandora version, flash 8.

much appreciated.

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Hi there. First off, thanks for the app - it's great.

I've a couple of small issues - i've looked through most of the 83 pages to find an answer but haven't yet. When I 'grab' a song manually it actually saves the previous song. i click within 15 seconds of the start so am not sure what it's doing.

Also, sometimes it only records about 20 seconds of a song, not the whole thing.

Anyone got any ideas?

I'm running latest firefox, latest pandora version, flash 8.

much appreciated.

I am also doing something similiar and facing the same problem except the previous song getting saved error. Please help...

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The program won't seem to download any songs with mrmath's version that I finally got to work after figuring out that it no longer worked in Firefox but only IE (what's up with that?!). First of all, his version doesn't even have an mp3 folder under Pandora. Secondly, even when I created the folder myself, it won't save the files

In another issue, the artist info and song stats are no longer loading. What the hell is up with this f*cking program?! Someone please HELP!

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it's pandora, they've made it so it's not compatible with pandora's jar anymore.

Those sneaky guys over at Pandora.

Here's the fix:

0) Make a backup copy of pandoraGrabber.js in the pandorajs folder.

1) Open pandoraGrabber.js in your favorite editor. Note that Windows users may need to use WordPad instead of Notepad

2) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3"

3) Replace every instance of "downloadMP3Response" with "pandorasJarDownloadMP3Response"

4) Save the new file

Start pandora over again.

A better idea would be to replace the name of the function with something random. This way they can't do it again. For example, replace "downloadMP3" with "IloveToDownalodMP3s" or replace "downloadMP3Response" with "fxzqrste".

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The program won't seem to download any songs with mrmath's version that I finally got to work after figuring out that it no longer worked in Firefox but only IE (what's up with that?!).

Actually, it's supposed to be the other way around. It should work in firefox, but not in IE. My wife is using my version in firefox, and after I fixed the issue with the procedure names, it works fine. I'm working on merging my version with CF's version, and we hope to have a new version out soon. You can get the latest, of course, at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pandoras-jar.


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Mrmath, your fix makes Pandora's Jar download again, BUT it isn't working as it should (here at least)

It records a track, and then when a new track comes, just copies the track and renames it.

Like this:

Song a plays first.

Then song b plays.

Pandora's jar copies Song a, and renames it to Song b.

Then song c plays.

Pandora saves song c correctly.

Then song d plays.

Pandora's jar copies Song c, and renames it to Song d.

I'm sorry, but I don't know how to say this in different words :P.

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Song a plays first.

Then song b plays.

Pandora's jar copies Song a, and renames it to Song b.

Then song c plays.

Pandora saves song c correctly.

Then song d plays.

Pandora's jar copies Song c, and renames it to Song d.

Had that Problem too. But since a Cachclean and a reboot it's gone.

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Most of it works but not every Feature.

I'm not in "remote grab" mode and "Cruise Control" is off

When I click on "Grap This Track" nothing happens. The Song is not saved in the MP3 Folder. I tried it several Times, Foubelclicks too. Even after the Song was playing over a minute. And I waited watching the MP3 Folder for some time too.

When I am in Cruise Controle on mode the Grabbing works. It just saves every Track.

Would be great to have a "grab thumbs up Songs" and "grab favourite Songs" and "grab all - Cruise Control" Option.


* save mp3 artist/album/song.mp3


* ID3 tagging artist/album/song/track/year/genre

Artist and Song WORKS

Album, Track, Genre WORKS SOMETIMES


* fetches artist bio - via last.fm

WORKS (most of the Time)

sometimes I get an Error like:

unable to retrieve bio from last.fm: Script '(function(){

function m(b){return b!=null?'"'+b+'"':'""'}function B(b){if(typeof encodeURIComponent=="function"){return encodeURIComponent(b)}else{return escape(b)}}function c(b,a){if(a){window.google_ad_url+="&"+b+"="+a}}function f(b,a){if(a){c(b,B(a))}}function l(b,a,d){if(a&&typeof a=="object"){a=a[d%a.length]}c("color_"+b,a)}function D(b,a){var d=b.screen,g=navigator.javaEnabled(),e=-a.getTimezoneOffset();if(d){c("u_h",d.height);c("u_w",d.width);c("u_ah",d.availHeight);c("u_aw",d.availWidth);c("u_cd",d.colorDepth)}c("u_tz",

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})()' failed: ConversionError: The undefined value has no properties. (httpunit; line 2)

localhost connected to server.

* fetched last.fm [track stat]

DOES NOT WORK - No song stats found for this artist

* fetched last.fm [similar songs]

DOES NOT WORK - No song stats found for this artist

* fetches last.fm [top fans]

DOES NOT WORK - unable to retrieve top fans from last.fm: top friends not found

* fetches and saves album art - via last.fm


* tags ID3 cover art - (embeds album image in MP3, viewable in ITUNES / IPOD)


* add track to your last.fm account [recent tracks]


* save settings to cookie


* Pandora Backstage button


* hideable Panels


* skinnable


* iTunes Integration (iTunes MUST be running)

Didn't try it yet.

I'm Using

Pandora jar 7.4.0_CF7 (released 13-Jan-2007) changed like mrmath wrote in his Post from Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:26 pm

Windows XP SP2

Mozilla Firefox 2

Flash 8 R24


iTunes 6 (iTunes 7 is slow)

Pandora jar settings:

last.fm Data = on

CDDB Lookup = on

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I made all of the canges to the pandoragrabber.js that mrmath said.

Also switched out the JAR and the default.properties to the updated ones, and it still wont grab on cruise or manual

Still the same exact problem.

Also, if i doubleclick the JAR file, the java window opens, but firefox doesnt open unless I doubleclick the MS_DOS Batch File also.

Tried cleaning out the cache and everything but to no avail.

Any suggestions?

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