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Hak5.org and users OS's/Browsers...


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Windows XP: 57.21%

Mac: 31.25%

Linux: 4.72%

Vista: 3.87%

Other: 2.95%

Interesting lol, Vista gets nearly as much love as Linux does, despite geeks loving Linux.

Mozilla Firefox: 64.83%

Internet Explorer 7.x: 10.25%

Internet Explorer 6.x: 07.88%

Mozilla: 04.11%

Opera: 02.99%

Netscape: 4.x 02.11%

Internet Explorer 5.x: 01.74%

This is for the period 26-11-2007 -> 07-01-2008

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Can we add browsers to that trend as well. We are seeing a new trend where most of the browsers on my logs these days are not IE, but instead they are Firefox. It would seem the day of IE is now over.

I personally do not like Firefox though and use Opera as my main browser and IE once in a while for certain tasks tailored to IE.

As for OS's, Windows XP is my fav.

I only use  Linux when I want to learn something new because I am studying my A+, Linux+, Server+ and Network+, so I will eventually have to learn how to use it at some point. Apple can lick my balls though....

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I want to meet the people who use AIX and IRIX lol.

I use both along with OpenVMS and other less well known OS's like Plan9.

I have heard of it but didn't knwo what exactly it was. http://netlib.bell-labs.com/plan9/

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Mac: 31.25%

I would never have thought that there was a 2:1 ratio of mac to PC users. That's kinda cool. The Vista numbers are unusually low given that the current user base is now something like 14% overall.

Also, I would have had no idea that people still use IE5. From memory, the last time I happened to use it the entire web came out crappy and retarded looking

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haha im so glad im one of the few using Vista, but im really not sure why im glag... Still havtn had issues wif it.

I am kinda suprised that there isnt more linux, specialy how a handfull of users go on about how its gaining its ground in the market share. I guess i would also fall under other by using Windows Mobile 5?

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Hence, free porn and forum registration bypassing!

QFE. This is true on some sites. If they block you and require registration, but allow google bot to index the page then using it in this respect works, but I have found that most pages will still block access, even when using a googlebot sig. I have wget set t do this for me with a little bat to help make it even easier.

@echo off
::debug is optional, but helps to get as much returned info as possible.
ECHO [Wget Webpage (with Headers + Cookies) from what site?]
SET /P website="[example: www.google.com] : "

:: Page with LOTS of USer Agent examples - http://www.user-agents.org/
::crawler@alexa.com to spoof as Alexa statistic bot
::Opera/9.24 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) if you want to spoof as Opera for Windows XP
::GoogleBot Spoof because some sites require subscription access, but allow googlebot to index its pages.
::Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
:: QuickTimexaa.7.0.4 (qtver=7.0.4;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.3.9)
:: IE6 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

::wget --save-headers --save-cookies %website%.cookie.txt %website% --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" -d -o debug.txt

wget -d -o debug.txt --save-headers --save-cookies "%website%".cookie.txt "%website%" --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" 

::wget %website% --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" -d -o debug.txt

SET /P yn="Continue or Quit? C/Q: "
if "%yn%" == "q" goto:end
if "%yn%" == "c" goto:top
if "%yn%" == "Q" goto:end
if "%yn%" == "C" goto:top

::In case they didn't pick from the above selections
echo Wrong Selection. Please choose C or Q


Again, not all sites will allow googlebot either, but they might allow other crawlers. If so, you can try another user agent sring from a list here:


edit: Revised to add quotes around url to fix bug in long strings with escape characters. Was giving me issues with addresses that contained question marks and % signs.

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I set iceweasel to identify it as IE on a windows XP machine. n_n Some sites refuse to work on my computer unless I toss a windows brower ID at them.

Isnt  Iceweasel just FireFox fpr Debian? Why not just use the Firefox UA to be sure it renders correctly when it tries to throw code only written for IE, you would at least get what its supposed to look like with FF and better chance of all the scripts working when they check for both FF and IE.

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