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A mod that never has been done - treadmill sport-hack


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This is just a posting of a mod I just came up with.

It has never been done(as far as I know) and will probably never be done :) (at least not by me :p )

anyway... One day not to long ago I looked at some advertisements on treadmills:


they are sold very cheap, about 850dollars (probably cheaper in other countries)

it has motorized incline(15%) and motorized running track(up to 16km/hour).

I'm curious what communication is going between the panel and the running track.

I'm thinking it's only simple rs232 serial communication, witch mean that one could probably connect a computer to it and listen to the traffic.

anyway, what would be cool is to add a little comport/(or a usb connector with rs232 circuit) that one could just connect a little computer to.

like perhaps the asus EE.

then write up some small training software that would allow:

* you could write your own track, with different speeds and different incline, that will automatically be adjusted as you run the track

* when the track incline adjusts upwards, simulating a running up a hill, one could display a simulation on the pcscreen

* your own mp3 music played on different places, for example when running up the last hill, plays the... he he the rockymovie music

* add a little cardreader, one could save track efforts to a user with a card for each user

* different analyzes over time

* voice activated treadmill ?? he he

* etc etc.

the cheap treadmills does not have very advanced features.

but with a pc doing stuff, one could go totally nuts :p

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width=365 height=365http://cn.made-in-china.com/image/2f0j01UCytaIJlsEuWM/?????+(SH-A5506).jpg[/img]

Wouldn't that be something you could do with most treadmills that have customizable track settings?

I like how the chinese text you cant read(?????) translates to "Schwarzenegger treadmill"

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Laugh..  "Schwarzenegger treadmill" ;)

naa. don't think the cheap ones has that good management.

sure they have programs, but probably not so customizeble.

the ones I tried on fitness studio, do have some controll, the track even goes up and down as you run, however those models are more expensive.

the clue is however uber pc-hack :p

not sure I even seen a treadmill that can be connected to a pc :D

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not sure I even seen a treadmill that can be connected to a pc :D

That is where the mod comes in....

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