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The Pad Locked USB Key


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Why is it 0-9 if it only has 5 buttons? Why not just 0-4?

I am thinking like a cell phone you hit it multiple times to get the character you want.

You can also enter multiple keys so it is not just, say, a 5 pad system, but I think you cna make it as long a string as you want. Don't quote me on that though.

I just wonder how hard it is to bypass it hardware wise if you crack one open and mess with it.

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Why is it 0-9 if it only has 5 buttons? Why not just 0-4?

It's for marketing. Really there are only 5^<max length of code> combinations rather than 10^<max length of code>. In the same vain i would love to see some one create one that has one button on it and it listed the numbers 0 to 9, how secure.

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In the same vain i would love to see some one create one that has one button on it and it listed the numbers 0 to 9, how secure.


What, call it the GOD button...

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wait until the pad breaks.

Thats part of the point. How do you recover the data. Is there a backup methid in the event that the pad breaks, and if so, then it is not going to be long before someone figures this out and exploits it.

Nothing is going to do a better job than just having encrypted files, like say with True Crypt or something similar.

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I'm going out on a bit of a limb, but I'm guessing that the pad (when inactive) merely disconnects the actual circuitry of the USB memory from the physical USB connection. It's probably easy (for some one who has a clue about electronics) to follow the connections on the PCB and physically bypass the 'lock'.

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We need someone who has one to take a chance, crack it open and take some pictures.

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