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Grub loses windows 2k?


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So, we had Sabayon running on a dual boot with Win 2k on a spare system, and for some reason now it won't boot into windows. It has a rootnoverify, and just halts. Sabayon still runs great.

Can anyone help me figure this out?


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So, we had Sabayon running on a dual boot with Win 2k on a spare system, and for some reason now it won't boot into windows. It has a rootnoverify, and just halts. Sabayon still runs great.

Can anyone help me figure this out?


Does sabayon have its own boot loader for windows? Or does it rely on windows NTLDR? You can use a resuce disk to run the NTLDR from it to load windows or have it on a portable device like a flash drive if needed, but nto sure what is causing your problems.


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Thanks for the link guys, I'll be trying it out tomorrow.

I did find out that it was Windows that craped out, and not Grub. It was getting passed the bootloader and going to a black screen. I did an MBR out of curiosity, and it would get to where it would start to load Win, and go to a BSOD. I did a full repair install, and it still went BSOD before the load screen. Did a complete reinstall and it works fine now.

But now I need to reload Grub so we can boot the Linux partition.

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SuperGRUBdisk should be able to help you reinstall GRUB.  The menu system is a bit cryptic.  You might want to look at this and modify it to your needs...


SGD is great for letting you force boot whatever you've got loaded on your computer.  I've had to use it to boot into an Ubuntu install and reinstall GRUB from there.

Hope this helped.  Merry Christmas.

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