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Flash local storage disabled


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I need some help here. .  Something is jacked with flash on my box.  Everything was working perfect on xp, but when I upgraded to vista now whenever I use flash 8 to get to pandora I get that my flash local storage is disabled.  When I try to adjust my flash local storage settings everything is greyed out.  On flash 9 the settings work fine.  I have ripped out flash, firefox, greasemonkey and flash switcher and reinstalled them all and the same problem occurs.  I have the vista user account control turned off so it shouldn't be any type of file permissions issue.  I'm really at a loss here on what else to try and could use yalls expertise.  I know I could fix it by formatting and loading vista from scratch, the upgrade process really sucked and messed up a lot of crap I've had to fix, but I really don't want to go through that just for Pandora Time Shifting apps.  Any ideas?

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ok one last plea for help before I break down and reformat.. Hate to do that for one little issue, but I hate knowing something isn;t running right on my box even if it isn;t a huge deal heh. I'm kinda anal that way. I know it has to be some reg key or some file conflict that occured from the godaweful vista upgrade, but for the life of me I can't find it. Been thru every reg key with the word flash, macromedia, or local storage in it and looked for any ini or cfg files that seem related to flash and I can;t find anything. I'm really at a loss here heh. Anyways just one last plea for help from someone smarter than I before I format.

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  • 2 years later...

I was also just about ready to break down and reformat, but I found the solution, atleast for me.

Somehow my %APPDATA% environment variable had been deleted, (I don't know how, that is something I definitely didn't do manually). I am using Vista, so I set my APPDATA environment variable to C:\Users\<Username>\AppData (I had also deleted all of my Macromedia directories and their contents below this level).

ok one last plea for help before I break down and reformat.. Hate to do that for one little issue, but I hate knowing something isn;t running right on my box even if it isn;t a huge deal heh. I'm kinda anal that way. I know it has to be some reg key or some file conflict that occured from the godaweful vista upgrade, but for the life of me I can't find it. Been thru every reg key with the word flash, macromedia, or local storage in it and looked for any ini or cfg files that seem related to flash and I can;t find anything. I'm really at a loss here heh. Anyways just one last plea for help from someone smarter than I before I format.
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