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need help with usb dumper


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Hi guys,

i have a usb dumper file from http://www.usbhacks.com/2006/10/06/usb-dumper/. However, the only problem is that my ANTI VIRUS detects this file. How can I hide it?

there is another version of usb dumper which has been protected by PC GUARD but it is not very useful since it can only be run on administrator account but not on guest accounts. You can find the file here--->


My question is how do i get the usb dumper file running on a guest account without being detected by the Antivirus. I would be grateful if you guys could help me.

see ya

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  • 1 month later...
yeah, that´s my question too, sorry for asking the same, but i´m really in trouble. i would need it

Why are you 'in trouble'?

You have a porn stash on your computer and your dad changed your account to guest and now you can't access/delete it?

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yeah, that´s my question too, sorry for asking the same, but i´m really in trouble. i would need it

Why are you 'in trouble'?

You have a porn stash on your computer and your dad changed your account to guest and now you can't access/delete it?

if  i say i really need it, i just REALLY need it, that simple. If you think with this kind of reply you helpme, you think wrong, but thanks anyway

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Would you quit asking the same question in different ways?


Yeah, thats got to get annoying after a while....


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if  i say i really need it, i just REALLY need it, that simple. If you think with this kind of reply you helpme, you think wrong, but thanks anyway
if you think with this kind of attitude people will help you, you think  wrong

Amazing, i´m just asking for some little help without any evil remark or whatever, and what I get is just people who are very good at this kind of hacking laugh at me and say evil remarks about if i got porn.....my dad.... or maybe you SomeineE1se: i don´t know why if so many people are asking for the same and you guys are supposed to the best of this kind of hacking, why don´t give us a hand? I can tell you the true story if got time to listen:

1.- I´ve been doing my 6 years degree with a scholarship bc my parents haven´t money enough to pay me the university, now i´m in the last course retaking just one subject which avoid me to get the scholarship. This was not bc I didn´t study harder (that´s not true), bc i´ve got a f****** professor who thinks is subject is the most important and it really isn´t at all. I didn´t pass the exam twice and i´m exasperate about what he told me: "You´ll never pass the exam while I´m your professor" I´ve done it twice, and twice i´ve failed, the 3rd time I did it was a 2 weeks ago, and once more failed 4,9 points and only need 5 to pass it all. My aim is to install somkinf of app which is not detected by Trend Micro or any kind of AV bc he normally plugs his flash drive in it and I noticed he got pretty important info in it.

To continue my story, i can´t simple move to any other university to pass that single subject which will at last, let me finish my degree bc i can´t afford it. and that is my story. if you believe me and wanna help me i would really appreciate it, if not don´t really know what to do, bc i´m in trouble with this.

hope you change your mind about me, PLEASE

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so you're in college and type like that?

I can see why he'll never pass you.

but on the real note this is some simple stuff that's why very few will help 1) BECAUSE (not bc took me a few mins to figure out what bc meant) is it so simple the people who can't figure it out are seen as not trustworthy of this skiddy tool 2) no one in their right mind will help you break into college computer so you can cheat on course work (except maybe k1u)

my suggestion instead of spending your time trying to figure out how to break into a computer to cheat at school... try actually studying BECAUSE if it's really an unimportant class it will be simple to complete

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Well, unless your Professor does not have anti virus or such as these: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/8e63033...c8ede494ca62cdd then it will get picked up. The only way to disable it is make the anti ignore it. This is elementary and if you can't figure that out, then you have no right using the tool. Cheating in school(which I think your full of shit) is not going to get you far in life. Like SomeoneE1se said, study for the damn thing and do the work required. You mock us for not helping you, but we didn't learn or aquire any of our skills without doing the work and studying ourselves! Also,  Because my time is too precious to insult you thoroughly, http://tinyurl.com/2rva52

P.S. - Write your own program to do the same thing. Maybe you will learn something...

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I can see you´re all very MORAL aren´t you? But please, did you learn that at the college or somewhere else? it´s very easy to give that kind of advices when you´re not in trouble. Despite of my reply I agree with SOME of your comments and/or advices but you only know less than 0.0001% of my real life to feel free to talk me like you did first. So, as I noticed that you´re al so smart and busy to worry about this kind of stuff I only must tell you THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HELP and hope you you won´t be as lucky as me in this topic.


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My aim is to install somkinf of app which is not detected by Trend Micro or any kind of AV bc he normally plugs his flash drive in it and I noticed he got pretty important info in it.

Go jump. I'm DONE with cheating fucking kids. DONE. If you think we're going to help you fuck with results or steal answer papers or whatever the hell else you plan doing you can bloody well think again.

Edit: ...and get a goddamn dictionary, what the hell does "somfink" mean?!

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Go jump. I'm DONE with cheating fucking kids. DONE. If you think we're going to help you fuck with results or steal answer papers or whatever the hell else you plan doing you can bloody well think again.

Does this extend to all other threads posted in the future that are of similar content?

*Crosses Fingers*

You'd get rid of a lot of crap (both people and threads) if you just locked those immediately....

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It would if I had the patience to trawl this subforum but to be honest I usually leave you lot to it. I don't like this subforum or what's discussed in it but as a moderator I don't get to say what happens and what doesn't. I do, however, rant at other posters on this forum who try to persuade the more knowledgeable here to help them cheat in games or fiddle exams or hack their school networks.

It's nothing personal, I just don't see why anyone should take time out to help people screw up so badly. I understand it seems entirely justifiable in the minds of those who ask for these things but it's not fair, it's not clever, it's going to come back to bite you on the ass and a lot of it is downright stupid.

If you (plural you) do really want to go ahead with these things then I suggest you learn how to do them yourself by researching and such. There are sources out there to obtain such knowledge (where the task in question is possible) but this isn't one of them. As I said in another thread somewhere, it's a waste of time for you, a waste of time for us and a waste of time for those who are affected by whatever you're doing or those who have to chase you down once you've done it.

As for locking threads, it's a little over the top in most cases and the community tends to moderate itself in that if someone posts a question on how to do something stupid, enough people have the sense to shoot them down in flames so badly they're a charred and blackened mess by the end of it. Frankly I hope it stays that way. I know the show encourages skiddy behavior sometimes, and perhaps this forum does too, but it makes more sense for all involved if we retain at least some maturity. I'm not suggesting, for the record, that I think anyone who hasn't been here for the history of Hak.5 is an idiot, I'm simply saying that in order to grow we need to retain those who have a sense of what's worthwhile and what's not, and those who aren't taking the title of hacker purely as a trophy.

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As I said in another thread somewhere...

someone should make a thread of moonlit's rants, most of them are quite good, and it would be a good reference point next time you need to put someone in their place.



There's a couple, they're both stickies in Questions. Don't really wanna sticky them on every subforum though...

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*whispers* ya know...if u really wanted to be mean we could give the guy something to get him to shutup...something that would GET him caught specially since he has had such good manners here *snickers*

Ya i agree...this whole entire things is proof of concept anyways...not intended for any harm.

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