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Planning Trip To S.C. -- Need Ideas of Stuff To Do


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Hey everyone.  I'm planning a trip from Missouri (where I live) to South Carolina.  The trip will send me through St. Louis (obviously), Nashville, and Knoxville.  I'm looking for ideas of stuff to do along the way (or out of the way even), geeky or otherwise.

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I was recently in St. Louis and I'd recommend visiting the gateway arch. It's only like $10 to take a trip to the top and the view is great. The little "pods" they lift you up in are freaking weird. They also have helicopter tours starting at around $60 so depending on your budget and sense of adventure that might be fun. I took my g/f on a river boat cruise there too, you can find details on the main gateway arch site. It's not too expensive and a lot of fun if you have someone special to enjoy it with. The "old courthouse" museum is free if thats your budget. Fun if you like history. Anyway you can't go wrong as long as its nice out.

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