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Need source code of go.exe from USB payloads! URGENT!


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Does anyone have the source code of go.exe from the USB payloads (switchblade)?

I want to add some more features to it, but I don't have the source code :(

If someone has the source code, or knows how I can make it, please tell me/give it to me!

Thanks in advance,


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Don't know how :(

If someone gives me it, I can add features though!

I have several questions...

1. Do you know what go.exe does?

1(a) If no why are you running executables when you don't know what they do?

1(b) If yes how can you add features if you don't know how to write your own?

2. Why is this "URGENT!"?

3. Have you tried google?

3(a) If no why not? you say this is urgent and using google is generally quite quick.

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If someone gives me it, I can add features though!

I think the general consensus is that even if you had it you wouldn't be able to...

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Don't know how :(

If someone gives me it, I can add features though!

I have several questions...

1. Do you know what go.exe does?

1(a) If no why are you running executables when you don't know what they do?

1(b) If yes how can you add features if you don't know how to write your own?

2. Why is this "URGENT!"?

3. Have you tried google?

3(a) If no why not? you say this is urgent and using google is generally quite quick.

Do you know what each executable does when your operating system boots?  If not why are you running it.

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hsn, shut up.  this community knows you are one of the kids who is always trying to hack your school. 

USBhacker:  why am I seeing this out of the USB hacks section?  I NEVER check that section because I don't want to see bullshit regarding usb hacks and whatnot... and now you go and spoil it???!  WHY?

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hsn, shut up.  this community knows you are one of the kids who is always trying to hack your school. 

USBhacker:  why am I seeing this out of the USB hacks section?  I NEVER check that section because I don't want to see bullshit regarding usb hacks and whatnot... and now you go and spoil it???!  WHY?

You know I asked once, was caught once, realize it was stupid and wont do it again

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Do you know what each executable does when your operating system boots?  If not why are you running it.

Since I installed LFS by hand, I can answer 'yes' to that question.

But keeping it updated takes too much time, so it's 'most of them' now as I put Gentoo on my main box and I don't know which binaries get executed in what order anymore. I do know how to find out though.

And there's a difference between running a binary you fetched from the internet, and one you got from an installation CD. Though granted, probably very few people here will have used one of those for their OS install...

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so you're not going to post the source here so someone else who wants it can get it?

someoneE1se?  Whoe1se would want it?

I could care less but it annoys me when people say

ok I worked it out on my own but fuck you, you don't get to know how, so when you have the same problem you'll find this thread and go WTF

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Yeah, for all the bitching USBslacker does asking for stuff, it's a pretty dick move to keep it from the community. We all share tid bits here with each other, but it's not like we wouldn't give the code out to the community if it was asked for.

I personally do not need nor do I use any USB switchblades or hacksaws, but I think that it's just nice to see code and what it does. If you are going to ask for something like code for a program and not share it with the community, PM the user in question and keep it to yourself, but do not ask for help and then give a big middle finger to the rest of the users who have tried to help you. USBHacker should change his/her name to USBHackerWannabeExtraordinaire. And it's not Duke of USBHackers! it's DickOfUsbHackers! because your such a winy little pric.

I may not need the program, but it makes me feel like this guy: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/stfu

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If you are going to ask for something like code for a program and not share it with the community, PM the user in question and keep it to yourself, but do not ask for help and then give a big middle finger to the rest of the users who have tried to help you. USBHacker should change his/her name to USBHackerWannabeExtraordinaire. And it's not Duke of USBHackers! it's DickOfUsbHackers! because your such a winy little pric.


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hey everyone!

You can close this topic now!

Silverenion is going to give me the source code for his go.exe

Thanks Silverenion!


so you're not going to post the source here so someone else who wants it can get it?

Of course I will share it with the community!

If you read over my post, I said that he will give it to me, not that he has already!

He said that he is getting his laptop fixed, I asked him how long that would take (in a polite way), and he hasn't replied (yet)

As soon as I get it, I will host it to mediafire and post it on this forum!

(Getting his permission first, of course)

I hope this solves the issues you guys are having with me!!!!!!!!


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I hope this solves the issues you guys are having with me!!!!!!!!

As a start, it's a step in the right direction.

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I don't know C or C++ (but I am slowly learning)

but I know a bit of python, so I should be able to edit it fine, once you have added the feature to silently run go.cmd.

Thanks in advance,


"Duke of USBHackers!"

My ass.

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