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the cake is a lie


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Oh my god, you were right, the cake WAS a lie :shock:

(To everybody who doesn't get the joke, go on STEAM and buy The Orange Box now)


and yeah, I still don't get it...

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I'll spell it out for you...

Go here: http://www.aperturescience.com/

Type login to get to the user name screen, type in anything for a user name, type in  portal as your password.  Type in apply.exe and take the ridiculous 50 page survey ^_^

If you were paying attention during the survey, you'll have noticed certain flashing letters that spell out thecakeisalie. Also on certain pages, it flashes a picture of a cake for an instant.

Type in "thecakeisalie"

If you don't get it after that, put a helmet on so you don't hurt yourself...

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Actually, I had to type APPLY without the .exe because it does not take periods. It also takes the LS and DIR commands. WOnder what other funny things it does?

EDIT: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Us...tureScience.com

Type in "play portal storms" and see what you get. My browser tried to go to YouTube but work blocks it.

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Type in "play portal storms" and see what you get. My browser tried to go to YouTube but work blocks it.

Links to a now-removed video. There's a sound clip playing before you go to YouTube. I think it says 'goodbye'.

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R.I.P Cube... I'll miss you

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