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very interested in a VOIP setup, looking for guidence


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So, last month I was greeted by $140 in overage fees on my cell phone bill. My cell phone is all I have to use since I am in a dorm with only very local calling. I was interested in how to get started with a VOIP so that I can call regular phones. I remember Skype way back used to allow free calls to phones, but that has long passed. I was wondering if there is another way, no matter how complicated the setup (lol), I really need get this going. I use a bluetooth headset on my phone and it works fine with my computer so it wouldnt be much difference to me using my computer to make calls.

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

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teh Tech-Centric episode your showed was interesting but I am looking to spend no money (im broke, like broke broke, not that broke where you have the side stash of money just in case), so I watched I found how I can get incoming calls to my computer for free with and have people be able to call me from a normal phone.

So what I have now is a softphone and a phone number. I was wondering if there is a way to take the calls going from the softphone and forward them through my home phone line to my cell phone. I get free calls to and from my home phone so that would be a crazy but very usable setup.

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