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Amuseing Prog Idea (Cowboy Bebop Influenced)


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So yeah, sometime back when I was just a little newbie I had this program idea, A Radical Edwardesk web browser, that when you surfed the web an assortment of random odd fish and future banner ads would float by as you surfed, but I figured that a bit to much so I was just thinking about a program that would watch your PC internet usage and depending on the traffic used, again an assortment of fish and future random banners would float by or your flowing throw it  like a sea, and when the traffic stops, you'd stop on a particular sprite and stay there as if thats some server or website your connected to.

Would anyone like to help me or even support me in this project, its quite an undertaking for me since im still just a student in college majoring in Computer Science ^_^. Words of wisdom, code snippets, artisits, direction all are welcome, this is planned to be open source exclusive to be devolved in the Hak5 Forums.

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What are you planning to write it in? And for what system/OS? Windows, MAC, Linux, etc..

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Whelp thats just it, since this is going to be a learning process its gonna obviously gonna be written for something im use to (Primary Setup WinXPPro) the programming language I don't know yet, im gonna consult my friend who's a bit of a guru then pick it up from there, and if need be, learn a whole new language.

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Would be interesting to see it in Flash. This way any OS could use it and see it in action. Not sure if that is even possible to access network servers and file shares through a flash interface, but would be cool because you can get all the moving objects and zoom in and out of them, etc.

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Would be interesting to see it in Flash. This way any OS could use it and see it in action. Not sure if that is even possible to access network servers and file shares through a flash interface, but would be cool because you can get all the moving objects and zoom in and out of them, etc.

Yeah I wanted to use flash because I know the sprites and handle the zooming effect and what not, but to my simple knowledge of flash and action script it wouldn't work with the network traffic gimmick which is really the foundation of this whole thing :/.

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