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If you thought the DMCA was bad...


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The new bill is designed to give the Justice Department 'tools to combat IP crime' which which are used to 'quite frankly, fund terrorism activities,' according to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

So is BitTorrent a terrorist program or something?

From what I can tell from the /. thing(and the fact that it's about copyright stuff) they're saying something about software piracy funding terrorists or something.

Could you post a short explanation please? I just can't be bothered reading all that.

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WTF? You cannot be bothered to read? You do know theres a special section of hell for your kind?

For the last few years, a coalition of technology companies, academics and computer programmers has been trying to persuade Congress to scale back the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

A proposed copyright law seen by CNET News.com would expand the DMCA's restrictions on software that can bypass copy protections and grant federal police more wiretapping and enforcement powers.

Imaging the RIAA being able to sieze every computer, console and mp3 player in your house to search for mp3's...

Please america, time for another revolution?

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WTF? You cannot be bothered to read? You do know theres a special section of hell for your kind?

But does 'hell' really exist? Perhaps we are already in 'hell'... and on a side note:

If 'heaven' is the opposite of 'hell' then wouldn't that mean it really cold?(sorry if that was way too off-topic but I just had to mention it)

For the last few years, a coalition of technology companies, academics and computer programmers has been trying to persuade Congress to scale back the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

A proposed copyright law seen by CNET News.com would expand the DMCA's restrictions on software that can bypass copy protections and grant federal police more wiretapping and enforcement powers.

Imaging the RIAA being able to sieze every computer, console and mp3 player in your house to search for mp3's...

Please america, time for another revolution?

Wow... that would suck.

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Isn't this same law supposed to make it illeagl to make leagl copys of the content you have bought?

Doesn't it also say if you have any software that could be considerd as 'piracy' software they can commondear your computer and physicly destroy it?

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Isn't this same law supposed to make it illeagl to make leagl copys of the content you have bought?

Doesn't it also say if you have any software that could be considerd as 'piracy' software they can commondear your computer and physicly destroy it?


Speaking of stupid piracy laws... here in New Zealand there was a short period of time when there was some iPod/iTunes ad on tv. But if you looked down in the bottom of the screen you could see that it said "Offer not available in New Zealand"(why the hell are they advertising it here then?!). So we can't use the iTunes music store to buy music. So we buy CDs... which we then put onto our iPods and also keep the CDs. But NO that's illegal here because of some out-dated piracy law that won't even let you put music from CDs that you LEGALLY HAVE PAID FOR AND OWN onto you're mp3 player because it's 'illegal copying of copyrighted music'! How bullshit is that? The government here really needs to change that law.

By the way that was featured on a well-known TV program here called "Campbell Live" where he discusses interesting things about what's going on in the world(and more specifically New Zealand) lately... and is all true.

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I feel sorry for the poor bastard that coughed up that proposasl Vako, the EFF is going to be all over their asses like a crackwhore on a connection.

Besides, if it DOES pass, yeah it would suck, but look at the bright side, all the script kiddies will be put away or taken offline and all the 1337 people will still be out in the wild because we actually know how to use a frigen proxy lol.

Sure D.O.J., come arrest me! If you need me I'm on 3rd and Main in Beijing China! Or wait.. is it Sweden? Or then again, it could be Brazil!

Thankfully there are fundamental laws of TCP/IP that can't be broken no matter how hard the govt wants them too, similar to up is up, down is down, what goes up must come down, etc etc. Simply put there are ways that TCP/IP function that most of us are familiar with that if done right will make us nearly impossible or flat out impossible to track down. Just can't wait for Muni Wifi

As far as I'm concerned, they can label us terrorists all they want, put any spin on us they want to try and win the public opinion, we all know the truth and the harder they come at us the harder we'll lash back. Same way you deal with a dog who's attitude and size have grown too big for his own good, negative reinforcement, beat the crap out of him till it learns it lesson and place in the pecking order of things.

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/me just realised some thing

This bill would make windows media player illegal, and any version of windows that comes with media player 8 or a later version illegal. Windows media player allows you to rips CDs! Thats right, it may be that crappy wma format, but it still does it, thats the only good thing I can see with this bill, it makes windows XP Home, pro, (2003?), Vista (except Vista N) illegal. I can actualy see microsoft opposing this bill on the grounds that it would make there media player illegal. Even though some good would come out of it, the cons saverly out wighe the pros. How can you boycot things which are just wrong? Time for another Civil war? No, becasue this time it wouldn't be a Civil war, it would be terrorism...

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Oh god, will this shit ever end?

Yes, in accordance with VaKo, we do require a revolution to reform this bullshit. Remember all those days spend in history class learning about the Revolutionary war? Well, that was started because a bunch of pissed of people were fed up with he way things were being run. Now, what's so different about this situation today? We have a president who's illiterate and cannot speak coherent English, businesses controlling the government in interest of their own profits and helpless people getting screwed in the process. (Just go to digg.com and type in riaa to see the shit they try to pull on people, especially college students). The American government was formed in the interest in the people it serves and protects; now why hasn’t anything changed? When the majority of people disapprove of the Iraq war, the actions of the mpaa and riaa and even the people in which run the government itself? I don’t know how you guys feel but I’m sick of this shit.

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The diffrance is if you start planning a civil war you will be arrested as a terrorist even though you are wanting to fight for the freedom that has been taken away from you by the goverment that claims to preserve freedom... talk about irony.

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Call me paranoid, although this seems extrem, perhaps Darren should start making daily backups of the forum archiving it and making it easily downloadble by any one... just in case a certian goverment suddernly decide to take the server down... Be that extremly unlikly, but I wouldn't be supprised. How many others do you think will be talking about civil war as a result of idiotic laws? ^^ They would probably take it down "becasue of conspiracy to cause terror" :P

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Just to be even more inflamatory, not only do I endorse an other throwing of american goverment, i also endorse an end to democracy, globally.

Face it, democracy is a corrupt principle, its basically mob rull with a complicated rule book. What i'm proposing is a mixture of a demarchy and meritocracy. We don't need any evangelical top heavy monolithic goverment systems, in america or europe.

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VaKo, I love your ideas, and it truly would be a eutopia where a randomly selected group of people, with the ability to lead their countries to a bold and prosperous, peaceful future, yet it will never happen. There are just too many issues that go against the baser human instincts.

First, who would decide who has the correct "abilities" to govern? If it is a select few who have the ability, the government system suggested would run the risk of becoming rife with bribery, even if only a few of the random group were succeptible. The unwashed masses would violently oppose a group selected because of their abilities, because it would reflect badly on them, and they would demand a voice. Since a lot of the UK is filled with moronic individuals, and more people are changing to a significantly right-wing political party, this would be a tragedy, because most of the masses only think of what is good for them, and not the country as a whole.

People just can't grasp the idea that a little hardship now can lead to an amazing pay-off, where taxes can be almost abolished, health-care can be provided to everyone, and everyone will recieve a fair, and unbiased experience of life.

It's a sad truism, but the substancial majority of people who are rich at the moment don't see the need to help those worse off then them, the obnoxious assholes who earn millions and millions by profiteering off of other people's misfortunes would not agree to your viewpoint, and use evey bit of influence they can to halt this idea.

The only way that anyone is ever likely to change the way the world works at the moment is total anarchy. An idea shown to the world that sparks a mass revolt of the general populus, a striking, bold and above all unreproachable demonstration that opens the eyes of everyone around the world to the injustices shown by the people who we have put in charge. This would decend the countries involved into pure chaos for years, but would eventually allow a new regime to take over, and change things, though even then it would not nessesarily be for the better.

Saying this, I don't condone any course of action that would lead this way, nor do I support any ideas that involve the death or injury of anyone.

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As I said, IPac is the only real hope of stoping the bill, and look at what just got dropped into my mail box, the latest news letter, and guess what it says...

Many of you have seen or heard about the new amendment to the DMCA being sent to Congress by the Dep. of Justice. We've gotten a copy of the proposed bill and it's worse than we could have imagined.

This is a concerted effort to escalate Hollywood's war on America by creating a generation of criminals and sending them off to jail. That's right: the "Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2006" (IPPA, link to bill below) would double the authorized prison terms for existing copyright infringement, create a host of new offenses, and establish a division within the FBI to hunt down infringers. The Members of Congress in the pockets of the Hollywood cartels want to divert $20 million a year and FBI agents from fighting real criminals.

Now is the time to fight back and prevent this from passing. This is the epitome of bad policy, and it's a direct result of the Hollywood Cartel's influence in Congress.

You can join the fight by calling your Congress member or your Senator (links to contact info below). Tell them that you will not vote for their reelection if they do not publicly denounce this bill. Please take notes on your conversation -- including the name of the staffer you talked to -- and post them in the comments section of this post:


IPac will be making this an issue in the 2006 elections, and we need your help to do it. Please consider donating or volunteering.


Donate to IPac:


Call your Senators:


Call your Rep:


Volunteer with IPac:


Read the entire bill here:


Read an article summarizing its provisions here:


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