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Hilarious Adaware results!


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An our school computers this numbers get astronomical. But if i find something on my computer I just format windows. Its the ONLY antivirus that kills any threat.

Isn't that kinda like dropping a tactical nuke on a city to deal with a litter problem?

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Isn't that kinda like dropping a tactical nuke on a city to deal with a litter problem?

But not so tactical.

And if it's a school computer then lots of work will be lost if it isn't backed up on a disk/external drive or server.

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At my last job I did the "Anti-virse treatment" on a pc that had been on 512mb broaband for a month with out any virus protection there was a total of 5900 spyware/adware and bout 200 viruses. It was so bad the machine to 30 mins to boot. In the end all I could do was formate it and reinstall windows (thanks to the registery being screwed)

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i format every 30 days so i dont need to activate windows :P

i store everything on my external

Thats not good.... that again is like nuking a city everytime your rent is due, then building a new one and repeating. Obtain a better version of windows?

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Can't you use VMWare's snapshot feature for the same effect?

Roll back any file system changes between sessions, and make a new snapshot after every Microsoft patch day.

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