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Worried About Heat of My Routers, What Should I Do?


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My Wireless, Wired, and Network hub all seem to be getting very hot, I am now running a ShoutCast server (1 stream to another server elsewhere) which is always on. The hub and router have been on as well as the server for about 1 year. The only time they have ever been off is during power outages or a quick shutdown to clear out the memory. What should I do about my overhearing routers? The wireless router seems way too hot and I've only had it for 2 months. So what would cause this and how can I fix it. I do not want them to burn up and spend $150 dollars or so to replace it.

Is there any king of cooling systems available for this kind of problem?

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If they have adequate ventilation they're fine. My router gets pretty hot sitting on the top of the desk, but it hasn't failed in over a year of doing so. Hell, my beater laptop gets super hot and runs constantly, and hasn't failed me yet. It's roughly 7 years old to boot.

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do not place set router in front of Fire, Windows, naked flames (or men), or in air ducts (its been done b4  :x) and she should be fine, make sure that shes getting air flow, and only worry if ur cat goes to sleep on it, or it starts to fail.

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ya, stacking them will do that, also, putting them on top of hot object, (like a crt monitor) will get them to heat up more. to be honest, although they are designed to run hot, i find that they run better cold, and have had a couple get hot enough to crash. ( it was a really bad summer, and they were in direct sunlight from window) heat will not be likely to kill them, but as with all chips, heat reduces lifespan. and also: cooler chips run faster, and everybody likes faster chips....

so if you want to add cooling, you could check the power supply for you router (should be a AC-DC transformer, that steps down to like 9-12 volts)

as long as it is betwen 6-12 volts, you can splice into it to run a computer fan. just shave off some insulator from each wire, and solder your wires onto them. (right polarity if you will)

if you dont have a large cooling vent on you equipment that you can conviently allow fan to blow air into, then dremel youself up one.

if noise is a problem just add some resistors in series into the fan circuit. the amount of resistance depends on how quite you want your fans and what you source voltage is.

i have done this to a wrt54G, it now works fine, and i like to think its faster, it probably is, but not noticably. what i will notice is added lifespan.

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