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Because I can't take the Internet with me


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I'm heading overseas soon for a lengthy stay (12+ months) with very limited Internet access. What connectivity I might have will be filtered heavily. I'll be taking my Dell D810 loaded with Gentoo Linux, and an external 1TB (2x500GB) hard disk filled with movies, music, etc. Of course, there's still plenty of room to add more data. A new 4GB thumbdrive will also be accompanying me on this trip.

I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what else I should take, in terms of both equipment and data. Hardware isn't a big deal, since I'll be able to order anything I need online from Newegg or wherever.

What would you take with you if you knew you wouldn't have Internet access for a year? What would might good to have setup on a dedicated server before you leave?

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Ripping: "the process of extracting data from a file (in this case a DB) and storing in an easy to access form (in this case HTML)".

The version that is downloaded of Wiki is a dump, "Slang term referring to the transfer of data from one location to another".

also this has gone a little of topic, so...

i would also have to download as much Legal media as possible.

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Ripping: "the process of extracting data from a file (in this case a DB) and storing in an easy to access form (in this case HTML)".

The version that is downloaded of Wiki is a dump, "Slang term referring to the transfer of data from one location to another".

also this has gone a little of topic, so...

i would also have to download as much Legal media as possible.

But you aren't extracting data from anything in this case. You aren't storing it in HTML, you are downloading a copy of the database for later use without changing its format. If one were crawling the actual Wikipedia pages and storing the data, then yes, that would be ripping.

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What would you take with you if you knew you wouldn't have Internet access for a year? What would might good to have setup on a dedicated server before you leave?

I'd grab all of the videos from the last few defcons,shmoocons and blackhats.

I'd also install the hacker school stuff from OWASP.

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I thought that U.S. soldiers have lots of access to the web.  In a recent article I read, the DoD was banning certain sites from deployed soldiers (myspace.com youtube.com etc...) because one it was a risk of security and two it was using up all there bandwidth, meaning that they did have access to the web.  Then again maybe you are going somewhere where they won't even give you that.  Wherever you are going, soldier or not, good luck!

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