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I just discovered this show and watched all episodes over the last 3 days.  I just have one comment; I liked it so much, I wish it was at least weekly instead of monthly!  :shock:

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Weekly would be good if they didn't work full time and they were getting paid to record them all in advance to have ready. They would have to film every day of the week for a few weeks to stock up a season of work, but since its tech related, things get out dated, and the guys usually show us something new or relative to the now during each show, which keeps it fresh. It also allows them time to have a life outside of Hak5, whcih in all seriousness, is a BAD thing(j/k).

I think they also want to do more of the live shows with skype callers, etc, and they also mentioned they are working on some side projects, so I would say that they have a full plate already. Do a forum search, I think Darren discussed this already or mentiond it in one of the episodes.

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Sure, maybe your form of entertainment's random podcasts of webcams around the internet, but some of us actually watch it for the content, and the occasional set-related injury.

No, it's if your form of entertainment is watching a webcam waiting for the people on there to get naked or have sex (in the case of JenniCam anyway).

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