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Laptop touchpad randomly jumps


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This is really wierd, My laptop touch pad works fine but if i try to use it after i have a shower the touch pad makes the cursor jump around randomly. I thought it might have been something to do with the residue on my fingers but it doesn't happen when i wash my hands only when i have a shower, and its starting to become a real annoyance... any suggestions what might be causing it??

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This is really wierd, My laptop touch pad works fine but if i try to use it after i have a shower the touch pad makes the cursor jump around randomly. I thought it might have been something to do with the residue on my fingers but it doesn't happen when i wash my hands only when i have a shower, and its starting to become a real annoyance... any suggestions what might be causing it??

um don't take a shower?...

for touchpads I alwasy suggest rubbing it down with a little ...  LITTLE ... cleaning alcohol, just to clean off something there but I don't know if this will help you.

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This happens to me when i an typing and my palm goes over the touch pad.

Solution= got a mouse,disable touch pad=less stress and swearing

To me using a mouse on a laptop just starts to ruin the "portable" part, I would do it but i use my laptop on my lap all the time its never on a desk so the touch pad is my friend

um don't take a shower?...

for touchpads I alwasy suggest rubbing it down with a little ...  LITTLE ... cleaning alcohol, just to clean off something there but I don't know if this will help you.

I tried not having a shower but everyone complained, Ill try cleaning the touch pad tonight and ill let you know tomorrow

Thanks for the suggestions

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Taken from the FAQ section of www.synaptics.com

Q.  What are the technical details of a Synaptics TouchPad?

A. Synaptics TouchPad sensors work by using an electrical phenomenon called capacitance. Whenever two electrically conductive objects come near each other without actually touching, their electric fields interact to form a capacitance. The surface of a TouchPad is a grid of conductive metal wires covered by a plastic insulator, usually a facesheet made of Mylar®. The human finger is also a good electrical conductor. When you place your finger on a TouchPad, a capacitance forms between your finger and the metal wires in the TouchPad. In Synaptics TouchPad, the "wires" are actually shaped as diamond chains to maximize capacitive contact with your finger. The Mylar® insulator keeps your finger from actually touching the wires and is also textured to help your finger move smoothly across the surface.

By measuring the change in capacitance, the application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) can tell when your finger is touching, to an accuracy of more than 1/1000th of an inch. The sensing electronics are inside Synaptics' proprietary ASIC, which includes a microprocessor that computes the finger's position and speed and reports them to the main computer in the form of cursor motion.

I'm thinking that when you get out of a "HOT" shower, your hand is warmer, and posibly creating a larger area of moisture around it, which is throwing off the capacitance detection randomly.

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I'm thinking that when you get out of a "HOT" shower, your hand is warmer, and posibly creating a larger area of moisture around it, which is throwing off the capacitance detection randomly.

Thanks dude that actually makes a lot of sense, i guess that means the solution is cold showers...

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