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I have a Windows media center recording shows but I am now running out of room on my HDD but dont want to delete my shows is there a way that DRM can be taken off so they can be played on another computer??
If you're in the USA we can help you because in the USA stupid people(government) made it illegal so you have to say you outside the USA before we can help you
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If you're in the USA we can help you because in the USA stupid people(government) made it illegal so you have to say you outside the USA before we can help you

That makes no sense. Would you tell a person in China how to get around the government web filtering?

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Which makes sense, since legally there is no violation of the DMCA unless the copyright holder actually complains.

Edit: Actually that might just be in relation to the takedown provision. Anyway, helping people break bad laws isn't usually a bad thing. In most western countries it isn't illegal to tell them how to do it either.

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If its WMV you can do something cool with an unpatched copy of XP (ie sp0) and this link.

Otherwise, you might be able to do it the old fashioned way, ie hook up a 2nd PC or use a loopback and record the files to a new drm free format.

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